[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/dV59HGJp/Leon-new.png[/img][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7PMyJzQ2/Pete.png[/img][h1][color=fff200]Gone Fishing[/color][/h1][hr][hr][b][colour=fff200]Location:[/colour][/b] Ersand-Enise[hr][hr][h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLS2rXDiD_o&ab_channel=CellextynX2]♫[/url][/h3][/center] Since the revolution, Leon had seen much of Pete. They got along well when Pete was a scagbiist, but very little of that love remained when he transformed. The truth of the matter was that the two had nothing in common. But Leon was drawn to spend some time with him lately. The performer discovered that Pete had a hobby of fishing every second Victendes, so he invited himself to join. Pete’s favourite spot lay a two-hour walk outside of the city walls. Leon had offered to fly them both there to save time, but the Cazenax declined. He liked the walk, he liked the peace, and he liked the sun. Leon was inclined to agree. They walked in near silence and exchanged a few words. A calm wind shook the reads around a small secluded pond. The two sat at the water's edge and cast their lines in and waited. The sun passing slowly above was the only indication of a passing day. Their words were shared with no one but themselves. [color=fff200]“Say, Pete. I’m sure you’ve figured out by now. But you weren’t always a Cazenax. Before you got transformed and woke up in that place, you were a scagbiist.”[/color] [color=975722]“Yeah, I gathered that pretty quick. Not ya average story of coming to be I suppose. Why’d ya ask?”[/color] [color=fff200]“Well, when I made that decision I couldn’t exactly ask you what [i]you[/i] wanted. I can’t speak scagbiist”[/color] Leon chuckled. [color=fff200]“I wondered what would make you happiest. You certainly seemed happier with me before.”[/color] [color=975722]“You sayin’ I got a choice now?”[/color] [color=fff200]“It would take some time. But yes, I could turn you back if you wanted.”[/color] There was a pause as Pete pondered the question, he didn’t think long. [color=975722]“Scagbiists eat people, right? They seem to find Yasoi tastiest as well I heard. I’ll make it easy for ya. I don’t exactly want somethin’ like that hangin’ over my head. I got a Yasoi friend, name’s Pepsii, I don’t want to think about eatin’ the guy ya know.”[/color] [color=fff200]“But back then, when you were a scagbiist, you probably would have chosen to stay the same, no?”[/color] Pete raised an eyebrow. [color=975722]“You really overthink these kinds of things, don’t ya kid?”[/color] [color=fff200][i]Because you weren’t the one who made the choice.[/i][/color] [color=975722]“No, I guess I wouldn’t’ve.”[/color] Silence followed. Not an awkward silence or one born of animosity, just letting the quiet speak. About an hour later, Pete got a hefty bite on his fishing rod. The two worked together to fetch up a massive fish. Leon argued that they should share the catch considering they both put in the work. But Pete argued that it was his rod so he should keep the fish. Leon relented. On the walk back, Leon offered to help carry their one big catch. Pete declined, it was [i]his[/i] fish so [i]he[/i] was taking it home. The two laughed, then Pete cast a suspicious eye on him and they laughed again. It was a good day and the last time fate would see them meet. [hr][hr]