[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5WCjcc2.jpeg[/img][h1]The 8th Street Coven.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Edict ([@AtomicEmperor]), & Stormy ([@Blizz]). The whole ahh Coven at this point.[/right][right][b][code]In front of Kari's House.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Clancy's claw tore open Aaron's stomach before he could dodge, and Flora kept barraging him with arrows. His eyes flew open as he stumbled backward, falling onto his back as he gained information on Clancy's abstraction and his actions. However, he barely had time to process it with his organs splayed out all over the floor, and that axe shimmered against the storm clouds, it was like a horror movie. In a desperate, last-second attempt to save himself, he applied the Spotlight Spell on Clancy so that all the attention was on Clancy - and so somebody, anybody, could help him. However, someone began blasting and that axe hit the ground at Clancy's feet. Flora went down too, Carol was already down - Aaron wasn't sure if they were dead, only his vision was fading. George ran up, kicked Clancy into the distance like a football, and screamed, [i][b]"TOUCHDOWN!"[/b][/i] Throwing his hands up into the air as bullets hit him and seemingly bounced off. "Wait, is somebody shooting at me?" He said as he turned to the source. He jumped in the way, driving his hand into the ground and pulling out a chunk of soil and sediment. "Buzz off!" George shouted, about to throw the chunk at Greyson, but he saw the burning cross in the sky. That meant it was time to mask up! He reached for the pouch on his hip, then he whipped around and put the gas mask on his face. He just laughed at Greyson as the pink mist overcame them. [hr] Vashti and Maya wandered off. Carol, Aaron, and Flora are down. The zombies are dancing. Stormy's aura is active. Shit was going down in the ice fortress. And her monster is obsessed with a stupid jacket. The plan was just going [i]south.[/i] If only Vashti and Maya remained in position... the entire plan wouldn't have fallen apart, but Emily would have to [i]correct[/i] that behavior later. Emily weighed her options here, she could still attrition the Coven to death, but the risk of losing her special tools was too high. Not only that, she didn't have the patience or attention to herd all these cats (Well, no, Emily has also really been craving some Dairy Queen right now). It wasn't like they couldn't get Lila another time, they knew where she lived. They'll just jump her later and kill her and then keep it moving. The jacket the monster was obsessed with burst into flames as Emily's hand reached into the sky; using the utmost extent of her power, she managed to create a burning cross in the sky. Which was the signal to 8th Street that they were going to retreat, but that wasn't all the signal meant. Emily saw those two strippers hop out and rolled her eyes as she quickly put her gas mask on. A pink, sparkling mist overcame the battlefield, as Emily teleported off the monster. Stormy was still in range, and she focused on one of its legs as it burst into flames. The monster, which was previously stunned by Stormy's aura, stumbled over towards Stormy. If that didn't kill him, Emily was going to barrage him from fire from a distance. Though, the mist was so thick that it was difficult to see through, light sources still shined through. Not that these sluts would have noticed because of the effects of... inhaling it. Brianna's portal opened, and George was chucking their injured through it, fighting through the Phantombane Aura. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Bqra7gB.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/yr6S9RU.png[/img][h1]"Violet" Santos, & "Pink" Howard.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] All da muthafuckas.[/right][right][b][code]In the bushes outside Kari's House.[/code][/b][/right][hr] "Brrrrrr!" Violet shouted. "It's cold as fuck! Why did we agree to this plan?!" "Well, maybe you should have worn a rain jacket," Pink said, wearing a hooded trench coat, while Violet was wearing that same black hoodie from earlier, which was currently [i]drenched[/i]. The two of them were hiding in the bushes, far away from the action, but also being able to see it; thankfully nobody noticed that they were even in there! "What? That ugly ass thing?" Violet scoffed. "I'd rather be caught dead than be caught in that." "Well," Pink said, shaking her head. "Then be cold then." "What? A hoe never gets cold!" "You were just complaining about being cold!" Pink shook her head. However, they saw that burning cross made out of hellfire in the sky... Pink shook her head, and at her feet was a glowing blue potion. She quickly knelt down and popped the top off before downing it. She gagged, sticking her tongue out, as she said, "Stuff tastes like shit, but... I feel [i]powerful![/i]" She grinned. Violet grinned back. "... Go out with style?" "Go out with style!" Pink said. The two of them hopped out of the foliage and posed. Nobody could see them. [h2][b][i]"... WHAT'S UP BITCHES?!"[/i][/b][/h2] They both screamed in unison. Nobody could hear them. Using the abstraction-boosting concoction that Greta Faust gifted them, Pink's abstraction was boosted to exponential levels. She spread her hands out, and a thick pink cloud of mist expanded outwards and quickly covered the entire battlefield from the ice fortress all the way to Kari's house. Anyone who inhaled this mist would find themselves experiencing vivid hallucinations; they would see, hear, and feel convincing images of their greatest desires tempting them. It bypassed Emotional-Fields and any resistance - if they inhaled the pink mist, then they would be hallucinating. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's Front Yard.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”Heyyyy, Brit, since when could you water slap people? Don't worry, I'm all good, it'll take more than that to kill me.”[/color] [/quote] A renewed smile appeared on Britney's face, which was dripping in the rain, her barrier providing minimal protection against it all. [color=f4eb93]”Since I started preparing for the next wet t-shirt contest, duh.”[/color] Britney laughed, adding some levity to the situation, which didn't look super good at the moment. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”All my shit's in there! My clothes, my phone, my money... [b][I]my only winter jacket![/I][/b] Fuck! I can't fucking afford to replace any of that! I only got this fucking hot cause I knew I could put my fucking clothes back on… [i][b]Fuck.[/b][/i]”[/color][/quote] Britney resisted the urge to say, "That's what you get," but she couldn't help but sigh. That compassionate side of her defeated that stern and unforgiving side. [color=f4eb93]”... When we get out of this, just hit me up, I got you.”[/color] Britney said with a sigh - she was hoping that she wasn't making it too obvious that she was being hesitant. Aryin came over and helped Linqian to her feet, and Britney stood up herself. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”We should get you out of here. I can get rid of the zombies easily… or just fucking freeze them, then we can go out through the woods? I don’t fucking know. I’m not being a coward or some shit like that, just we don’t have enough people to deal with these assholes… they’re actually fucking organised. Better to get the ones they want the fuck away from it all… but I don’t know. I’m not a planner. Maybe I should just punch Aryin till she’s super charged then we can go destroy them or some shit. What should we do?”[/color][/quote] Leaving was the best option in Britney's eyes; she honestly couldn't see any benefit that could come from this fight, and she could care less about stupid shit like cowardice - Alizee didn't leave when she had the chance, and now she's gone ([i][color=f4eb93]Her death was her own fault, Britney.[/color][/i]). Though, while she believed in leaving, she was not going to leave 8th Street's obvious target behind: Lila. It was obvious from how Emily was acting that she wanted Lila (if Emily [i]really[/i] wanted Britney dead, she would have already nuked the barrier by now). [color=f4eb93]”... We should go, but I'm not leaving Lila behind,”[/color] Britney asserted; she gave the Noble Vow a flourish; she wondered if it'd be any good in this situation. [color=f4eb93]”We need to get Vashti away from her, let's...”[/color] The explosion of pink came from the middle of the battlefield, and before Britney could react it had completely overtaken her. She immediately stopped breathing and held her breath, thinking it was some type of biological weapon and looked around. She couldn't keep this up for long as she looked to Linqian... [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vmr8FUw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/lUU866f.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/bGOeozQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Uc5Nzr8.png[/img][h1]Annabelle Heart, Miranda, Jacqueline Reed, and....[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] None.[/right][right][b][code]8th Street Manor > The Sea Shanty Scoop.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] "... You know Em's going to have a stroke if she hears about this, right?" Miranda said walking up to a metal door with her sister at her side. She was holding a comically large hoodie neatly folded in her hands, with a handsaw on top of it. "Well, she's not going to, is she?" Jacqueline laughed as she spun a key ring around her finger. She walked up to the metal door and stuck the key in. Before she turned it, she gave Miranda a wry grin and said, "... She isn't, right?" Miranda sighed. "... No, she is not." "You fed her, right?" Jacqueline asked. "Yes," Miranda sighed. "I gave her [i]three[/i] of my legs this time." "Great!" Jacqueline said as she slid the door open, revealing a metal cell... with some bones that were undeniably human, but as long as the PRA didn't come sniffing around, they'd be fine. Probably. In the corner was their friend, Annabelle Heart - or the creature that she began. She was curled up in the fetal position in the corner, her hands over her face. However, when the light of the room of room struck her, she moved her hand somewhat out of the way of her eye. She grunted. Jacqueline knelt forward, hands on her knees, and said, "Hey, Annabelle!" "... Yes?" Annabelle groaned. "Wanna go for a walk, buddy?" Jacqueline said with a smile, spinning the keyring around her finger. "Let's get some Dairy Queen for old times sake." Annabelle slowly stood up to her feet, her hands still covering her face from the light. At full height, she [i]towered[/i] over Jacqueline and Miranda, and she slowly shambled over to them. The two girls didn't even flinch, they just smiled. "I'll... go..." Annabelle said, wiping her face with one hand. "Yay!" Miranda said, as Jacqueline grabbed the handsaw, and stood on her tippy-toes trying to reach for Annabelle's horns. With a grunting groan, Annabelle bent forward, and then Jacqueline grabbed onto her horn and then quickly hacked it off, before Annabelle turned her head and Jacqueline cut off the other one. Both of the horns hit the ground, and Jacqueline picked them up, putting them underneath her shoulder. She smiled. "I'm going to get rid of these," Jacqueline began. "Get her dressed she can't go out..." As she spoke, she glanced at Annabelle, who was completely nude... but, it was far from titillating with her inhuman features, near-skeletal physique, and chalk-white skin. "Now, just come here," Miranda said before she looked Annabelle up and down. "... Shit, how are we going to do this?" [hr] After disposing of Annabelle's horns and getting Annabelle dressed, the two girls walked her to their favorite ice cream shop, [url=https://i.imgur.com/3ug8eEh.jpeg]The Sea Shanty's Scoop[/url]- with each of them holding Annabelle's hands (that were covered by the hoodie they put on her). Annabelle was wearing a [i]comically[/i] large hoodie - one that Miranda scoured the internet for, for [i]hours[/i] before she found it. While it would have been dragging on the ground if anyone else wore it, with Annabelle, who was eight feet tall, it was only oversized. Along with some comically large sweatpants and some sandals. They definitely looked crazy. However, it was the dead of the night and everyone was so caught up in their little worlds. They sat Annabelle down at one of the tables, and Miranda sat down next to her. "I'll get us everything," Jacqueline said, "Annabelle, what do you want? Your favorite? Chocolate with sprinkles and fudge on top?" Annabelle was silent. "Chocolate with sprinkles? A little fudge?" Jacqueline repeated herself. "... Yes," Annabelle groaned. "You know what I want," Miranda said, and with a nod, Jacqueline had left. Miranda silently kicked her feet back and forth as Annabelle sat there, groaning. Eventually, Jacqueline came back awkwardly holding all of their orders, and Miranda sprung out of her seat to help. Carrying all of their ice cream back to the table, they presented it in front of Annabelle with a spoon and everything... However, she just stared at it. "Annabelle, it's your favorite!" Miranda bubbly said. Annabelle stared at it. "Do you need help?" Annabelle stared at it. "Come here..." Miranda reached over, grabbed the spoon, and scooped up a little spoonful of ice cream before sticking it into Annabelle's mouth. Annabelle spits it out. "... I don't want it," "... Um, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Jacqueline said, as she put her face into her hands. She let out a defeated sigh. She didn't notice the footsteps approaching. "... Hey," Jacqueline definitely noticed that and turned her head to see none other than Lynette Domínguez. She was wearing a black hoodie with some black leggings, and black Timberland boots. "Mind if I have a seat?" "Lynette!" Miranda excitedly said. "You know we'd never say no to you." "Yes, help yourself," Jacqueline said. "Now, I'm sorry for ambushing you all in the woods last week," Lynette began as she sat a seat. "And I'm also sorry for using my... [i]resources[/i] to track you two down." "You know you have our number," Jacqueline noted. "I was blocked again, but that's not important right now," Lynette answered as she sat down before squinting at Annabelle, "... Who is this?" She tilted her head. Both Jacqueline and Miranda sighed. "... [i]It's Annabelle.[/i]" They both said at the same time. "Wait, [i]this[/i] is Annabelle?" Lynette's jaw dropped. "What... what happened to her?" "We got into a fight with Greenwood and she was cursed," Jacqueline answered. "We're working on helping her." "You know my people have the resources to help her," Lynette said. "We know," Miranda answered. "I'm sorry, but we don't trust them not to do anything to our friend." "Fair," Lynette shrugged. "But, you know [i]I'll[/i] help Annabelle." "We'll let you know if we need help," Jacqueline said. "Greta is working on something for her, so we just need to see what comes from that." "It's not like we have any other options," Miranda shrugged. "That's good... So, let me get to the point," Lynette began. "I'm still working on my [i]private investigation[/i] to get to the bottom of these murders, I want to ask you two some questions. You are totally free not to answer. And I wouldn't hold it against you." "What do you want to know?" Jacqueline asked. "Well, I wanted to discuss Ashley Stone - I know your sister had [i]nothing[/i] to do with her murder - but Emily [i]was[/i] harassing her for the Apparition Killer," Lynette began. "To tell you the truth, Ashley should have passed the blade to somebody else if she was going to turn her back on magic, but it was her choice. Even though everyone else did all the heavy lifting finding- oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?" Lynette awkwardly laughed. "It's been ten years, I just want to know [i]why[/i] she suddenly decided that she wanted the Apparition Killer?" The twins sighed again. "Should I tell her?" Miranda said. "No," Jacqueline answered. "I'll do it." Jacqueline shook her head before she began her explanation, "It's actually [i]our[/i] fault. You probably don't know this, nor have you met her, but we have a little cousin named [i]Constance[/i]." "... Constance [i]Reed?[/i]" Lynette raised an eyebrow. "Yes." "There was an amber alert for her, that I know," Lynette said, "What does she have to do with it?" "When she went missing, I immediately used the book to find her, only to find out the worst had happened," Jacqueline sighed, hanging her head and rubbing her temples. "I'm waiting," Lynette said. "There was an Apparition in a cat... calls herself the [i]Grimalkin,[/i] she... tortured Constance into being her servant," Jacqueline answered. "The only issue is that the Grimalkin [i]also[/i] works for Dollhouse. So, we arranged a meeting with their leaders. Just us. And they told us that they'll release Constance if we get them the Apparition Killer. So... I just nudged Emily into getting it from Ashley. We probably should have just stolen it from her instead; I'm so dumb." She buried her face in her hands. "... Does Emily know?" Lynette asked. "No," Miranda answered. "Why not?" "We don't want her to start a war with Dollhouse." Lynette's jaw dropped. "... They are literally - [i][b]LITERALLY[/b][/i] - holding your little cousin [i]hostage[/i]," Lynette seethed. "I don't know about you, but if that was my cousin, my brother, my sister, I'd already have Luis' head." She let her words hang in the air before she added, "... Why are you two pussyfooting? Don't you care about your cousin? She's your cousin." "We're afraid they'll kill Constance!" Jacqueline answered with a shout, attracting some looks and gazes, but they ignored them. "I know... I want them dead, too. But, Dollhouse... they're scary. Way stronger than us. And even if we can stand a chance against them, they'll just kill her before we get a chance to save her." "That's fair, but..." Lynette said. "... By playing their games, you're just going to let them think they can boss you around. First, it's the Apparition Killer, then what next? They have all the cards because [i]you let them[/i]." "Look!" Jacqueline shouted, "I don't mean to act like Emily, but we didn't ask for your input! We're going to find the Apparition Killer, then we're going to get Constance back!" "Fine," Lynette said, "I'm going to see what I can do about your cousin, I just think handing them the Apparition Killer is a bad idea." "Whatever they do with the sword is their business," Miranda said. "Is there anything else we can help you with?" "Honestly, there is," Lynette said, "But, I'm going to drop it here, okay?" "Okay!" The Reed sisters said in unison. "Let's... just catch up, hangout," Lynette said. "I have all night. And... yeah, let's just chill." Afterward, the four simply chatted.