[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjQ4LmExZTFmZC5VMmxzYW1VZ1FtbHlaMmx6Wk1PemRIUnBjZy4w/overcoming-challenges-demo.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] Kalina had a point, Silje realized, much to her shock and dismay. The clothes she was wearing now, ill-fitting and dirty, would hardly impress anyone! She'd heard uniforms were a big deal before, too; as in, some people had a [i]thing [/i]for them. Whatever [i]thing [/i]meant. Had she packed her uniform? Did she still have time to change? An unfamiliar yelp from the back β€” where Silje had left all her stuff β€” indicated that no, no she did not. The princess must've already been on board. And so was everyone else, faster than she could blink. Val practically inserted herself into Silje's seat, with no concern for the sacred concept of finders keepers. Or was it first come, first served? Orβ€” [color=a1e1fd]"Whoa!"[/color] Kali hit the gas, and Silje had to scramble to glue herself to the side of the truck before they swerved away from the crater and their pursuers β€” and right into an assault from above. It was heralded by a metallic sound [i]so intense[/i] that it seemed to resonate within Silje's very skull, rattling her already unstable mind to a point that teetered on dangerous. Whatever was above them wasn't normal. Wasn't [i]right.[/i] One eye still closed from the throbbing pain, Silje made her way back atop the truck where she usually sat, witnessing from a front row seat how robots rained from the sky. Or from a huge ship in the sky, rather. Then things went boom, and not by her hand. That was the final straw; if they died here, she'd never win over the princess. Morden had the right idea, because it was also Silje's idea, and her idea was to retaliate. As Kali hit the gas, Val sped up their vehicle and Morden started shooting the robots before they could catch up, Silje focused her sights on the ship. She held out a hand, gathering mist from the very air that passed through her fingers as they drove faster and faster. If the ship aimed for them, or if there was to be any more lightning or any of that stuff, she'd counter it with a blast of her own, hopefully moving the resulting explosion mid-air and away from them. Cover fire! Except really very literal. [/color]