Nathaniel watched the other families that he had grown to know and love since his time here. His cousin, Shani Munroe-Storm, aka Wildstorm. He was going to miss her. Would she even be born in this new timeline? His family only came to the X-Mansion because that's where the Resistance was based. But he and his brother turned out to be mutants. It's possible that connection was enough to bring his aunt and uncle together. He hoped so. He wanted to make sure that little Nathan got to be with his friends and family. That he'd get to be with Davina. The world could still unite. They didn't need an Ultron Apocalypse to bring people together. He'd protect the past and the future. The sound of someone calling his name snatched him from his thoughts. It was Alex Wilder. In the past he and his friends stood up against their villainous parents known as the Pride. Ultron attacked before that event reached a resolution, but Davina told him that her mom and uncle went to LA to help them and that's why they weren't in New York when everything went down. Cloak and Dagger transported them all. Nathan figured that was the moment he had to go back to. If he could stop them from leaving New York they could all help in the final showdown against Ultron. [color=669999]"I'm sorry. Yes, Mr. Wilder?"[/color] Nathan said finally. [color=orange]"You can call me Alex. There's something I need you to do when you go back to the past."[/color] His tone and expression was serious. Not angry or forceful, but guilt. [color=orange]"In the past I learned how our parents were villains a year before the others did. I also learned that some of their parents planned to kill all of us that were non-powered and take the new world for themselves. I was going to betray my friends to save Nico and I and our parents... But I know that was wrong now. The world, humanity wasn't as lost as I thought. The way humans, mutants, inhumans, mutates, and the supernatural have all united together to protect and live with each other. I need you to convince younger me. Tell him of Jia. Show him that we can be heroes."[/color] Nathaniel was... shocked. He had never seen this sign of Mr.--Alex before. He would've never even expected him to betray his friends in the past. He was glad that he let him know about this. Jia was one of his closest friends. He'd do this. If not for Alex and the others, but for her as well. [color=669999]"I'll do it. I'll save you and turn you into one of the greatest heroes."[/color] Alex laughed and hugged Nathan. He never expected that he could find redemption. It took him forever to tell Nico what he was planning and it was a miracle that she had even forgiven him. But he understood then that he was wrong. Now he was getting the chance to fix that mistake for good. Tears started to well up in his eyes. [color=orange]"Thank you... I'm sorry I've added this onto your already heavy burden."[/color] [color=669999]"It's okay. Saving someone isn't a burden, especially when it's helping a friend."[/color] Alex pulled back from the hug and wiped his tears. [color=orange]"You're a brave and kind young man. I hate that we're placing this all on you, but you've shown time and time again that there's no one better for this. Not because of your powers, but because of your heart."[/color] [color=669999]"T-thank you, sir. That means a lot. But you're all not placing anything on me. I chose this. People deserve hope and I have the vision for a new future."[/color] Nathaniel said, but still feeling regret over having to leave the girl he loved. If he could take her with him he would. He'll come back for her. No matter how long it took. [color=orange]"Just don't lose sight of yourself and your heart in that vision. You can still do wrong even with the best intentions."[/color] Alex said with a smile. He knew that all too well and he wanted to make sure that Nathaniel didn't go down the same path that he did. He understood going to great lengths for love and peace. [color=669999]"Thank you, sir. I won't."[/color] [hr] Nathaniel finally made it to Tony Stark's lab. There was a giant platform in the center of the room. It was the time travel pad. That was complete. Everyone had finished what they needed to finish for the time machine. Nathaniel just needed to collect data so he and Tony could complete their virus. [color=669999]"Mr. Stark."[/color] Nathaniel said before pulling a flash drive from his armor and handing it to his mentor. [color=FF4500]"Mr. Richards."[/color] Tony returned as he took the flash drive. He was a shell of his former self. He only recently started shaving again, but he still preferred to keep his beard long now. He wanted to remind himself of his failure. Alcohol was constantly on his breath. For the longest time he had given up all sense of hope. That was until Nathaniel proved to be the secret weapon they all needed. A technopath that also happened to be a natural super genius. A mind greater than even himself and his father. Together they came up with the idea of sending someone to the past to prevent the Rise of Ultron. A virus that would wipe out any of his robots before they had the chance to overrun the heroes and world. They always figured that Ultron himself would be a different case so Nathan came up with a secret plan to fight fire with fire. He knew that no one would ever go with it so he kept it to himself. Not even Davina knew. Tony walked over to his computer and plugged the flash drive in. All the info on the Ultron Bots was on the drive. He couldn't believe it. [color=FF4500]"This is it. We have everything we need."[/color] He noticed a folder titled "locations" and opened it. It was a map with a mass of red blips clustered together and they were on the move. They weren't only on the move. [color=FF4500]"They're here."[/color]