[h2]Ruined Inn, Dusty Cellar[/h2] [@Aku the Samurai][@VitaVitaAR][@SilverPaw][@PKMNB0Y] Yeah, it figured the cellar wasn't going to be a wondrous haven, otherwise that zombie would've been slightly friendlier. And potentially more alive, though Bianca felt like it'd been a long while since whatever happened, happened. The food stored down here... much like whatever remained in the kitchen, had probably long passed it's sell-by date, but theywere hardly spoiled for options anyway, she could only hope for the best come dinner time. Sylva seemed focused on something, so the healer approached curiously, peeking around him to look at the journal. She only caught the last couple of entries, but that was enough to paint a tragic picture, Bianca stepping back in silence once he closed the book. The writer knew the unfortunate woman lying dead upstairs, and the town was supposed to have been evacuated? Whatever went down sure had to have sucked for everyone involved, to put it mildly. It was also a bit overwhelming to ponder upon too much, she'd rather keep things simple for now. "There's plenty of booze down here. Nothing for the little one though!" Bianca called up to Sora, trying to keep hert voice as low as the other two. She glanced towards Sylva, putting a smile on her face, "though maybe we save the drinking until after we tidy up or something?" There was, after all, at least two corpses to move aside. It would be hard to keep spirits up with those lying around, morbid as that sounded. And she [i]was[/i] kind of responsible for one of them.