[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YX7P6K4.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QEAJ8E2.png[/img][/center] [color=DCD1FD]ᴛɪᴍᴇ |[/color] Morning [color=DCD1FD]ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ |[/color] Cabin, North Pass [color=DCD1FD]ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ |[/color] Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy], Bardulf [@Lava Alckon], Masako [@dreamingflowers], Rue [@Potter], Bowyn [@Helo], [color=DCD1FD]ᴇQᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ |[/color] Travel bag with essentials (money, rations, first aid, etc), sapphire pendant, twin daggers. [hr] Zeva gratefully accepted the offer of Bardulf’s weighty outer coat, pulling the edges of the fabric closer together after he draped it across her shoulders. In addition to the duvet that she was already wrapped with, Zeva looked even more like a ball of tangled laundry than anything remotely like a living creature. Perhaps she had become a new sort of textile-based lifeform instead. She sunk further into the crevasses of the fabrics, enjoying the sweet escape from the cold within its folds. Part of the duvet had been wrapped over her head, creating a hood that protected her ears and cheeks from the elements. Only her eyes and a peek of her nose were exposed to the outside, which allowed her to continue observing the group as they prattled on. Her attention was immediately captured by Bowyn’s idea of hunting beasts for amas; it would serve as great practice too. Zeva hesitated to say much in the moment, still paralyzed by the lingering embarrassment of her current state. A bashful smile stretched across her cheeks when Bowyn and Rue offered to find more suitable clothing for her, though the expression was barely visible past the blanket shield, save for the subtle squint of her eyes as she smiled. [color=DCD1FD]“Thanks for the help, everyone. I think an enchanted ring would be super helpful! The less layers I have to wear the more I can maximize my agility, despite the cold. I still have some amas after buying my new daggers…would it be enough?”[/color] Zeva wiggled the coin pouch that had been attached to her hip out from the blankets, her hand and coin pouch draping out of the small window below her eyes. [color=DCD1FD]“I trust you guys to get me a good deal. As soon as I’m warm again I’ll be right back to action! I’m all for hunting some beasties!”[/color]