While the encounter between Shadowheart and Sef had been playing out, Nuvyen sat crosslegged at the front door, eyes half-closed in a meditative state that could be entered by any trained in any of the Monk schools. This state of consciousness allowed for the Monk meditating to stretch the native Ki within them outward, to feel the various tendrils of energy that all creatures and objects emanated and detect changes in the normal resonance of one's environment as well as enhance their senses; in other words, a Monks meditation was an excellent threat detector. Nuvyen felt a spike in energy coming from within the house, accompanying footfalls barreling towards their home in orderly, swift motion. His eyes snapped open, rising to his feet, fists clenched, feet firmly planted on the earth beneath. Sef materialized not too far out in front and was indeed trying to escape when Shadowheart ensnared him with a Command, the "priest's" eyes darting helplessly as he marched towards the front of the house. "And doing a poor job of it, it seems!" A smirk came and went as he moved forward past Sef to address the now audible footfalls, four forms shimmering into view under the pale rays of moonlight that cast both a menacing and soft glow on the armored attackers. Two Tieflings, a dwarf and a human, all of whom wore the trademark armor of a Sharran assassin, their weapons of choice glimmering in bloodlust. "Our Lady demands that you and the betrayer see the justice you escaped." One of the Tieflings hissed, the party drawing closer to Nuvyen. "Is that what Shar calls our desire to not see the entire world enveloped in brutal, cold darkness?" A snort, hands coming closer to his face in a defensive position. "Your mistress surely knows she sent you all on a fool's errand. This won't end well for any of you." The dwarf let out a cry of battle, charging forward first, blade outstretched above his head before attempting a downward cleave at the half-elf, Nuvyen darting to the right as the blade crashed into the ground, using the moment to deliver a powerful elbow to the dwarf's right cheek, followed by an open palm strike to the neck. The dwarf gasped, crumpling to the earth just in time for Nuvyen to feel a dagger whistle a few millimeters past his ear, the Tiefling who had spoken sprinting towards his position with another dagger, this one visibly dripping what Nuvyen assumed to be poison. The other Tiefling and human were heading towards the front door, prompting Nuvyen to shout aloud: "Two headed your way! Be there in a minute!" He jumped backward a few feet, avoiding a potentially lethal series of blows from the Tiefling before delivering a side-kick to the weapon-bearing arm, then another kick, this one a jumping roundhouse in the direction of the attacker's face. The Tiefling managed to dodge the second kick, but the first dislodged the dagger. His attacker grimaced, lunging for her weapon, creating an opening which Nuvyen took, channeling his energy to dash forward before thrusting his right arm forward, fist clenched, a burst of purple light surrounding his closed hand to inflict not only physical, but mental damage as well. The blow connected, sending the Tiefling to the ground next to her dwarven companion, their bodies both still. Now how was Shadowheart doing?