Nathaniel offered a satisfied nod upon hearing Duncan's seemingly composed and professional response from the other end of the phone. [color=forestgreen]"Good, see you there."[/color] he said, letting his tone soften as everyone now appeared to be on the same page. Doing his best to manouvre his earpiece with a single hand, Nathaniel finally managed to shift the call to it and muted himself - effectively allowing him to drive whilst maintaining an immediate line of communication. Still, it was a mostly peaceful trip with silence on both ends - all he heard was the silent sound of his on own vehicle against the backdrop of the loud hum coming from the other end of the call. He would be the first one to arrive at Albee Mall, seeing as he was closer to the destination and didn't drive quite as slow and careful as Noa did - the sporty image of the car gave him some leeway to speed up without drawing all too much unwanted attention. It was fortunate too - for it gave him the time to do a bit of shopping at the mall, a good cover for going there in the first place. Somewhere between the dairy products and the bread, he heard breaks screeching and a french-accented woman through the earpiece. A soft smile grew on his lips and he nodded gently - good, they had finally arrived. His brows soon rose in surprise, however - the woman was not talking to him. In fact, 'talking' was a generous way to put it. A devious grin was quickly covered by an exasperated frown. Listening in to the conversation, he quickly made his way towards the checkout, picking up some hummus and frozen prefab pizza on the way there. Multiple things were revealed in the debacle, not least why Duncan would associate with someone like the jackass who had killed the police officers earlier. It wouldn't be long before the sound of what sounded like a slap, scuffle or other physical altercation could be heard. His eyes went to the ceiling above as he gestured a cross over his head and core, whispering [color=forestgreen]"Lord have mercy"[/color]. When finally away from the cameras, he immediately entered a sprint. Upon arriving by the armoured car, his chest rose and fell with every breath. The three piece suit stood in stark contrast to the wild hair and less than civil glare he sent through the windshield. Bringing his free hand up, he brushed his hair back before unmuting. Looking right at them, he spoke with a forceful and determined clarity [color=forestgreen]"This lack of judgement will be the end of us. The enemy is bound to be approaching rapidly, you all need to hide. Stop the infighting,, now - time is of the essence, let's go"[/color] With that, he waved them over to his own car and threw the groceries in the trunk whilst grabbing a hoodie [color=forestgreen]"You're in the front, put this on, aviators and masks are by the dashboard"[/color] he said, pointing to Noa. The stress he was under was obvious for anyone to see - still, he maintained a degree of composure from dealing with somewhat similar situations. He then looked to Errol, a flash of uncertainty was soon replaced by a bitter [color=forestgreen]"Truce?"[/color] Regardless of the answer, Nathaniel wouldn't stay up, instead, he continued with quick steps and the determination of a man on the run. Unintentionally loud mumbling escaped him as he hopped into the driver's seat [color=forestgreen]"Fucking redheads, couldn't blend in if..."[/color] His eyes shot up to the rearview mirrors where he could eventually find the siblings, his tone forcibly lightening a little [color=forestgreen]"I am sorry Clementine, I didn't mean it. It is in moments like these we learn to appreciate these darkened windows"[/color] he said, nodding to the windows at the back before offering a conciliatory smile to her and Duncan. [color=forestgreen]"I'm managing a bankruptcy estate in Jersey, they've got this tunnel-dig-thing, it should be the best spot to weather the storm."[/color]