[indent][color=ff664d]"I see..."[/color] Lilian said absently, [color=ff664d]"So...what you're saying is. The DNCC has both opened up your horizons as a hero, as well as closed them to some degree? While you have more informationon the entities you face and work with, your pool has been restricted..."[/color] he glanced at Falcone, then shook his head as he redirected his thoughts. He...figured it was better [i]not[/i] to sit there and judge the DNCC when a representativefrom their ranks was sitting right there? Yeah...probably not the best idea. [color=ff664d]"Sorry,"[/color] he started, [color=ff664d]"Let me get back on track here... With uh...with the work you do as a hero, what's something that keeps you going? What drives you to continue through with the hero gig? What'syour core ambition?"[/color][/indent]