[center][color=#b3ccff][h2]Esben Mathiassen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] As Esben ran along behind Izayoi and Rudolf, he leaned down, scooping up the fallen guard's carbine next to where she had fallen to his knife. He pushed the lever slightly, opening the bolt just enough to be sure the weapon was loaded, before continuing on his way. Scavenging the enemy's weaponry was a good way to conserve one's own, and oftentimes gave a small element of surprise to the fighting that could otherwise be lacking—both qualities that Esben appreciated. And would come to appreciate more as they ran into a patrol blasting their way [i]in[/i] as they were en route to the point where they intended to blast their own way [i]out.[/i] As soon as the troops came rushing in, he dove behind one of the standing blocks for cover, water spraying out over his head as the fixture near its top was struck by stray gunfire— —Before the smell of ozone filled the air, rapidly followed by that of heavily charred meat. The short burst of gunfire stopped, though the heavy footfalls of the other half of the cohort coming to meet them barely faltered as their comrades dropped from their perches. He glanced across the way to Rudolf, giving a small nod at the man's words, before the Edrenian came out from behind his cover and rushed forwards. [color=#b3ccff]"One, two..."[/color] he murmured to himself, letting Rudolf cross blades with the invaders and drive them back for a moment to draw their attention. [color=#b3ccff][i]Three.[/i][/color] He came out from the far side of his cover, sprinting up past where Rudolf had engaged the leading portion of the cohort. Some noticed him and turned his way, skidding as they shifted direction to try and run his way as Rudolf occupied the others; once sure he wouldn't catch his own ally in the fire, Esben leveled the carbine at the soldiers, emptying the weapon's magazine in a rapid burst of fire. Those that weren't caught by the lead flying their way would be forced to take cover, returning the favor for Rudolf to advance again and dispatch whoever was left.