[color=9B111E][center][h1]Ruby[/h1][/center][/color] Lungs heaving, Ruby's small pale form shuddered as she hid behind the large frost giant woman. Not even looking to see the destruction that she had caused, she had yet to see that she had downed one of their own thrown together team. Instead, her eyes were focused on the dirt path, not aware of what other horrors her side was inflicting until the booming, angry voice shocked her. Taking a shaken step backward, she stared wide eyed at the large woman before her. What was she going on about?! She couldn't understand her, they had been charging towards them. The exact same reavers they had been saying they should avoid. They had let out a war cry for fuck's sake! Though still, she looked past the giant to see the destroyed forces of the raiders. The sight of them now crushed or stripped of flesh, cowardly hiding and screaming in pain had her shocked. Her mind had come up with images of bloodthirsty barbarians ready to do unthinkable things, but this... this was not that. Wait! A WYVERN!? Her eyes looked to the sky, staring up in fear as she looked for any signs of the terrifying beast. She had only heard of such creatures before, but to actually face one was a whole new horrifying situation.