[h3][center][b][i]HOOOOONNNNKKKK!!!!![/i][/b][/center][/h3] As if in reply to Daschke's demands, the loud blaring horn of a big-rig truck cut through the air, causing no small number of the crewmen to flinch. [color=00aeef]"What's that?"[/color] Sunny asked from inside a hollowed-out clothes dryer, one of the dozens of hiding places she'd found in the scrapyard where she could watch the Mechwarriors without getting in the way. Pops, who had been keeping her far enough away that she didn't get caught in the brawl but close enough that he could still watch and take bets, grunted. [color=Peru]"Ol' Maxie wasn't kidding,"[/color] Pops said as the rumbling of huge diesel engines grew into a dull roar, [color=Peru]"His boys work quick."[/color] After another blast of the horn, the gates to Uncle Mack's Scrapyard swung open, allowing in a small convoy. The scrappers themselves, still covered in dust and grime from digging through the debris of the Green Knights' battle, mostly rode in on smaller vehicles, dirtbikes and ATVs and buggies, hooting and yelling with triumphant excitement about the haul they'd brought in. Following behind on a trio of flatbed trucks, was the haul itself. As the fray in the makeshift Mech bays parted, Colonel Wayne emerged from the Mobile HQ, just as "Honest" Ollie Maxwell poked his head out from the cabin of the lead truck. [color=YellowGreen]"Good t'see ya agin, Mister Colonel Sir! We done brought in one helluva catch fer ya!"[/color] [color=Olive]"I'll be damned,"[/color] the Colonel muttered as he approached the lead truck, and Ollie Maxwell clambered out onto the roof of the cabin, then began climbing on top of his prized salvage. Strapped to the bed of the lead truck, battered and crushed but still in one piece (for the most part), was the Crimson Fists' [i]Catapult.[/i] Somehow, though for the life of him Gaius couldn't have guessed how, Maxwell's pickers had managed to dig a 65-ton Battlemech out of the rubble and drag it out from the bottom of the mountain pass. [color=YellowGreen]"Weren't easy, I can tell ya that fer sure,"[/color] Ollie answered the Colonel's unspoken question, beaming proudly from atop the ruined Mech. [color=YellowGreen]"An' I do b'lieve my boys'll be entitled to some proper compensation fer our efforts. But hot damn if this ain't the best scrap we ever got! Reactor's intact, gyro's stable, mosta the in-ternal structure's holdin' up. All she really needs is a few patches here'n'ere, a fresh licka paint, an' spray out the cockpit with a hose, an' she'll be ready fer some action!"[/color] [color=Peru]"A total salvage,"[/color] Pops said, letting out an impressed whistle. [color=Peru]"I'll be dipped in shit."[/color] [color=00aeef]"That's gross,"[/color] Sunny remarked. [color=Orangered]"Maxvell not onlee vonn viz great syalvage,"[/color] piped in the big burly Marozov from the second truck. [color=Orangered]"Vee heff pulled as much vyaluwabul eqvipment and veapons from enemy byattulmyechs as vas vorth taking. Enough to fix Mechs, to repair dyamage, to customize Mechs how you vish! All at very reasonable prices, of course!"[/color] Maxwell and Marozov's crews began unloading ton after ton of equipment picked over from the ruined Crimson Fists. Several tons worth of Battlemech-quality armor, bundles of myomer fiber and actuators, pieces of Mech "bones," enough raw material that an experienced crew of Mech techs with the right equipment could patch up structural holes and even rebuild lost limbs. Pops saw plenty of spare engine and gyro parts in the mix as well, and his mind began turning thinking of ways to tune up the Green Knights' machines. The haul of weaponry wasn't half bad, either. Partial salvage on a PPC and an LRM launcher, full salvage on pair of medium lasers, a flamer, two SRM launchers, even the massive autocannon from the [i]Hunchback[/i], with spare parts from the Mechbuster's cannon as well. [color=Olive]"Not bad, Mister Maxwell, not bad at all,"[/color] Colonel Wayne said, clearly getting plenty of ideas of his own. [color=Olive]"I want a full inventory of the salvage, and then we'll discuss the best way to split everything up. Chief!"[/color] Deck Chief Sol Aadil, a wrench in one hand and someone's lapel still in the other, looked up. [color=Lime]"Sir?"[/color] [color=Olive]"Coordinate with Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Marozov on where to store the salvage while we negotiate. Green Knights?"[/color] Looking over the scene of the brawl, the Colonel scowled. [color=Olive]"Since we don't have a functional brig to administer Level 1 disciplinary action at the moment, we'll have to make do with something more short-term, but which will still get the point across. Ten lashes for everyone involved, before the day is out. Dismissed."[/color] As the crewmen involved in the fight sullenly began to line up, Sonny tugged on Pops' overalls. [color=00aeef]"Why's the Colonel being so mean to them?"[/color] she asked. [color=00aeef]"I thought he was happy about getting all this stuff!"[/color] [color=Peru]"I'm sure he is,"[/color] Pops nodded, [color=Peru]"But he's got to keep the peace, even if that means being hard on the people under his command sometimes. Besides, sticking our Mechwarriors in some rusty shack for a week would kill our morale way more than a few welts and bruised egos. This way, they can take their licks for acting out of turn, then still get to celebrate their win after they're done."[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"Awright, boys, git the hose an' let's open 'er up!"[/color] Maxwell shouted as he started to pry at the cockpit of the [i]Catapult[/i]. [color=Peru]"Now c'mon, squirt, let's go find somethin' else to do for a bit,"[/color] Pops said, pulling Sunny out from inside the hollowed-out dryer. [color=Peru]"You don't need to be seeing what's in there."[/color]