[center][color=ED2939][h1]Shieldwing[/h1][/color][/center] Shieldwing was quiet as he listened to the brief exchange between Rudrick and Skobeloff. He maintained a straight-faced, stoic expression as he listened to the short explanation about Sunglow. It was something he was used to thinking about by now. Though he expected tht slight slump of the wings he noticed from Stargaze at the mention of ascension. But what caught his attention was more Skobeloff's own shift in tone as he spoke of it himself. He hadn't known his verdant clutchmate to be so uneasy about any topic; if anything, he felt that he was more often bringing something up that didn't need to be. Information to think about later, he supposed. The crimson drake watched as Skobeloff elected to return to Garrock and start talking again. He circled his neck around to follow Skobeloff as he began to walk past him, listening to Stargaze as he did. [color=ED2939]"...Nah, let's let him do his thing,"[/color] Shieldwing said, turning back to Stargaze again. [color=ED2939]"Fellwing is in there too, so he'll have help if he needs it."[/color] He paused for a moment as something crossed his mind. He [i]had[/i] wanted to try to get Rudrick alone. If he convinced Stargaze to go with him.... But then he shook his head. Nah, she was probably just as worried about Coryn as he was, knowing her. Perhaps his chance could come with they actually found them. [color=ED2939]"I meant it when I said I wanted to check up on Coryn, and I'm sure Skobeloff did too,"[/color] he said with a nod. [color=ED2939]"So let's trust in our clutchmate's silver tongue and go see Coryn first. Besides..."[/color] He then added lowly, half to himself, unable to stop himself from glancing to the side. [color=ED2939]"...I think I might understand how he might be feeling right now...."[/color]