[h1][color=39b54a][b]Tillius[/b][/color][/h1] [hr] The singing voice was heavenly, like a mother's lullaby. The siren song could pull any men, lesser men, into the throes of whatever machination they intended, and Tillius was close to it, but he learned to separate as much as possible the mind and the body. So while his mind was slowly getting seduced by the beautiful woman posing in front of him, his body forced him to stay still, grip tight on both his armaments, his feet planted onto the ground. Like a tree to the storm, he bore through the song while Carnatia stripped it of its fake beauty. Once the mask had been unveiled to this abomination of a once beautiful woman, the spell was broken, and Tillius gave a firm headshake to throw off any stupor remaining in his system. He was careful not to over commit while everybody was simultaneously attacking it. At the same time, he steadily put his shield back onto his back and took out his two javelins, as whatever moves that thing could do to him, a shield wouldn't help anyway. As the spider turned to run with Engelbert hanging on for dear life, Tillius was able to swing his newly acquired polearm once at the creature before it dashed away from range. The orc threw a javelin at its direction, though not hoping it would do anything substantial.