[color=00a651][b][h2][CENTER]Koichi Hirose[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [quote=@DammitVictor] Berto, of course, had no clue who these men were-- but it only took one glance at his young comrades for him to understand the nature of the situation.[color=8dc73f][b]"Cristina, is it? The Chinese sent [i]that man[/i] here for one reason. Well, two reasons; one, to rattle our people at the negotiating table, and two, to provoke us into firing the first shot. Our primary objective hasn't changed. We still have to make sure [i]nobody[/i] fires the first shot."[/b][/color] He tried to catch Cristina, Callie, and Koichi's attention.[color=8dc73f][b]"But now we've got a secondary objective. We've gotta find something [i]soft[/i] on their side, as close to this 'Avatar' is possible, and we've gotta stick something in it and break it off. The bean counters and the pretty little liars are gonna thank us for it, because if the Chinese are slapping us in the face out here-- fishing for an incident-- then you can bet they're trying to screw us a lot worse [i]in there[/i]."[/b][/color] [/quote] "[color=00a651]I'm new so don't expect to know anything or help[/color]" Koichi said letting go of Cristina's handing preparing to walk away but then he members that smug bastard "[color=00a651]buttt I guess I could help out, beating up an arrogant asshole is one of my favorite past times.[/color]" Ironic considering he was an arrogant asshole. "[color=00a651]Perhaps we could try to drive a wedge between them though I doubt that will work.[/color]" "[color=00a651]He was brought over here for [i]cultural differences[/i] right[/color]" Koichi put his hand on his chin "[color=00a651]But considering what I've been told about Huo Ren he probably agrees with him.[/color]" Koichi sighs "[color=00a651]I've got nothing since I don't know them that well.[/color]" Koichi was prepared to walk away before he said one more thing "[color=00a651]Or you can just get someone to watch them[/color]" it wasn't going to be him. He hated arrogant bastards (that weren't himself) but he didn't hate China or Yulian enough to stalk him.