[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] In spite of it being night-time, the entire vista of Valhiem's Outskirts was illuminated in a red glow. The artillery fire trailed fiery snakes in the indigo, starry sky above, exploding like fireworks on the invisible barrier above Valhiem. It might have been a wonderous sight if Zell and the team weren't crawling past the patrolling threat of death on the plains. Hoofbeats and rapid Dinosaur feet made Doppler effects within the din of the constant artillery explosions, as regiments of cavalry sped past their hidden position. [i]So[/i] many close calls. Close enough to hear the voices of the enemy riders. Close enough to see the scaly beasts that were the Lizard Cavalry. There was one moment when everyone just had to lay prone in the well-placed foliage Adam had created, staying perfectly still whilst a bunch of horseman halted right by them. Zell's heart was thundering as he lay frozen, looking ahead at what members of his party he could see. [i]That[/i] close call seemed to last forever. Two other times, they were partially spotted and all of them rolled into the river to avoid being seen properly on the closer inspection from the enemy. Once again, Adam was on point, creating riverweeds that everyone could hold, sticking them all firmly to the riverbed until the threat finally passed. Such a move would've been impossible if not for James. And it was fucking WEIRD! being able to breath perfectly fine underwater. Zell had to fight the illusion of suffocating, at first - his brain took a second to acclimatize to being able to breathe in whilst completely submerged. Magic [i]sure wa[/i]s the craziest phenomenon. As Zell had observed in days gone by; Fenna was always content to remain relatively quiet and agreeable, letting others take the lead. But in her eyes was a sharpness and focus unsurpassed. And when she spoke, it was usually words of wisdom and calculation. Now it was her time to be called upon, and she answered the call with a confidence and assuredness that made her extremely easy to follow. She had stepped up to give Second Chance her expertise in stealth and guided everyone down a successful (and seemingly impossible) path to Valhiem's walls. Zell realised, during this time, that back when everyone chose James to be the party leader, it could've actually [i]easily[/i] been Fenna Postma - And Second Chance would have been just fine for it. Gradually and eventually... with much squatting, crouching, crawling and sneaking (and unbelievable pain in Zell's bad leg): They'd done it. Somehow they'd managed to make it. MacKensie zipped up the wall and the crew waited until the water barricade was lifted and Second Chance were able to finally cross the threshold of safety - 'Safety' being a strange word in this context, seeing as they'd just entered a city that was UNDER SIEGE! But yes... safety was somehow the correct term and relief washed over the Englishman. Zell shook his hands of water, dripping wet as they met up with the Adventurer party that Lucy Bottrill had sent to anticipate their arrival. Wulrick - Silver Arrow's leader - seemed an alright fellow, noting all the injuries Second Chance were carrying and promptly changed course to escort them to hospital. Zell followed down the empty streets towards their destination, walking next to Barracker, content to make the journey in silence. That is, until he could hear the dickhead gnome going on with himself. Zell watched Adam's reaction. [i]Fucking hell Adam. Tell him what's what![/i] Zell thought. Quite frankly, Adam might be the strongest of them all with his plant magic, aswell as his Bear transformation, not to mention a straight-up Rail-Gun beam he could fire from his hands. And even beyond all that, the young man was carrying a solid amount of muscle on him - He'd probably floor this little shit of a gnome in one punch. But Adam just [i]took[/i] it. More accurately; Adam took the high road (as was characteristic of the Druid) and Zell had a measure of respect for it. Zell, however, didn't know what a 'high-road' was. Barracker was clearly not interested in turning the other cheek either. He and Zell exchanged a look of complete understanding on the matter, and closed in to rectify the situation. "Who you calling trash, you little piss-ant?" Zell started, falling into step beside Xavier. As if the smug twat couldn't be any [i]more[/i] of a smug twat, he was playing with his mustache like some kind of cartoon villain. "I've had [i]Breakfasts[/i] bigger than you." [Color=Green]“You know, they say that gnome blood is the worst tasting. But I say never disparage something until you have tried it.”[/color] The vampire put a hand on the gnome’s shoulder. When Xavier looked up to the fanged, imposing man that was Barracker Kassell, the gnome went as pale as the vampire himself. [Color=Green]“Especially if it means that someone who does not understand the meaning of politeness, might learn a lesson or two”.[/color] Zell gripped Xavier's other shoulder. "Yeah, not a bad plan, Kass." "Hey, what's going on?" Wulrick intervened. Adam just walked away, heading towards the hospital that was in sight. "Get your hands off him." "You better tell him to stop talking shit to our friend then, pal," Zell shot back, letting go of Xavier. "He's got a big mouth for a midget." It was only a small fuss, sorted out quickly when Wulrick separated Xavier from Second Chance's frontliners. Nobody who got involved in the situation had backed down... except the gnome, who'd crapped his pants, moreso at the presence of Barracker than Zell, but Zell was ready to throw hands either way. No way would he just let one his friends be bullied like that, even if Adam was more than capable of handling himself. It was the principle. All for one and one for all. In the hospital, Zell requested the doctor who'd treated him last time. "I don't know her name. She's bright red. Got horns and a tail. Surely there ain't more than one." Fortunately she was on shift and now it was Zell's turn to be a smug twat. He sat down on the bed and greeted her with his trademark one-sided grin. "Alright there, doc." "Hello," she replied with a forced cheeriness she din't even try to disguise. Last time he was here - only 72 hours into this new life - she had told him to 'take it slow.' And since then, shit had not been slow [i]at all[/i]. If anything; shit had sped up ten-fold. "Remember me?" "No." [b]:O :([/b] ...Roasted. Zell was healed back perfectly but his ego and happiness took a huge hit. All the while the Tiefling doctor worked, he tried to explain the last time he was here, but she didn't recall and certainly didn't care one iota. She just got on with her job. Zell could not be more deflated. He was back in the waiting room after a bit of time for his leg to repair. There, he gave a few pats on the back here and there, nods to his friends - a smile of relief and success. He ended up next to James. "Well," he said to the Mexicano. "Another trip survived. Another battle on the horizon. How you feeling, bossman?" Zell was upbeat, but sincerely concerned for his best friend. "It must be fucking weird having all of that Zigmund-guy's memories, eh. You really got em all? Like; actually his whole life?" If James was up for talking about it, Zell would ask for the deets, "Who [i]was[/i] he?"