Alright... a little abrupt ending to that one, but our little lady of expositionary dialogue has laid out the worst kept secret moving forward. We're going to group people together by level of activity, so that we can better tend to players' enjoyment going forward. I'm going to be more vigilant going ahead with the post summaries, so that those working at a slower pace can still have a shortcut to keeping up with events in the game as a whole. What I would like you, the player base to do, is take a good hard look at yourselves and assess your likely level of involvement, and the pace [b]YOU[/b] can maintain going forward. This is for your own benefit, if you think you would struggle maintaining pace with a faster based group, that's fine and there's no shame in it, there will stil be things to do and engagement at each and every level. And interaction across the larger group as a whole will still occur day-to-day so collaborating outside of your own group will still be possible at times. But for the viability of the game I would like to be able to bundle together groups who are likely to work at a similar pace of play. Those of you still looking to be involved, please contact the GM crew and let us know what that level of engagement is likely to be - or if you're comfortable doing so, mentioning it in the OOC or Discord is fine.