[h2][color=00aeef][b]Marrie Knight[/b][/color][/h2] [color=00aeef]"Oh, fuck, OFF!"[/color] Marrie shouted to no-one in particular and everyone all at once. How she managed to not run into any group this heavily armed before, she didn't know. As soon as the rabbit-woman's voice rang out, she cast a melody. {Cold: Silver Self - Flight - Storm} With the tempest around her hopefully deflecting the bullets from reaching her, she flew straight through the smoke to the inside of the church, getting below the firing squad on the left of the entryway, where she took a second to catch her breath. The winds whipping around her helped to clear the smoke, and soon she could see her objective, namely Cerberus, and an unknown... Esper, presumably. She couldn't see a whole lot else through the twisting smoke, but she saw enough. She found herself taking the last few moments of flight to go towards the three girls inside the church proper. Landing just a few feet away from the unknown woman, she drew Apexer from her sleeve, just in case. Maybe this would be the first enemy she could successfully parley with to prevent a fight? She doubted it. A glance over her shoulder made her worry for the male Freelancers, but she could only hope they would be able to handle themselves, since leaving Cerberus alone with a potential enemy wasn't going to happen. [color=00aeef]"Hey, Nun lady!"[/color] She leveled her Instrument to point towards the woman's neck. [color=00aeef]"Friend or foe?"[/color] [center] [hider=Stats] 19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps Apexer Predator | Dagger | Physical | Heavenly Chain Arctic Storm | Masking Step of the Monsoon | Wind | Riding the Currents After You Get Smacked Up | Gunstock [Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage (2), Damage X (6), Slow Fall (4), Blink (4), Transplace (8), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Stabilize (0), Portal (8), Rain (2), Bounce (0), Homing (2) DAMAGE: C | SPEED: D | SENTINEL: C | 1000 [Cold(SentinelUP) : Silver Self - Flight - Storm] 180 PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: B | 820 [/hider] [/center]