The mission's resolution was not neat or tidy. After reporting to command, first an attempt to assist the spirit in seppuku was made. Ideally, an anomaly that could be dealt with wouldn't simply be allowed to persist unchecked, and this was by his own request. As long as he remained lucid, that made it all the easier. However, such efforts had failed. It appeared as if the samurai was not just a wayward spirit, but the process of deification had already begun. Indeed, he was bound to the land itself, far harder to get rid of then the average spirit. In retrospect, this explained the presence of the komainu, even if it was only in their image. The decision to lock down the area and begin the process of converting the spirit fully into a local deity seemed to be the best option available, but only time would tell how well it would work. It had been several days since the mission, now. Arisa sighed heavily, leaning on the wall. It was frustrating, really, that the mission hadn't achieved a conclusive outcome. People had died, no matter how repentant the spirit was. But they couldn't seemingly remove him for containment, and assisting him with seppuku had failed entirely. Still, at least the area was locked down and the anomaly was registered. This was no risk of civilians entering and being caught up if the spirit forgot his own death again. Since his powers seemed limited in range, at the very least lockdown could ensure that. Now, it was a matter of waiting and seeing what happened next. That, and awaiting the next assignment. Arisa wasn't on anomaly containment, but agents were expected to remain on standby pretty frequently. So she'd picked up some melon bread at the cafetria, for the moment.