For anyone whose bored and needs a game to play. (As someone whose played and very much enjoyed at least one of these games. That being [url=]Bloody Hell[/url].) [youtube][/youtube] [url=]100% Orange Juice[/url] (A 'Mario party-ish' board game.) & [url=]Endless Legend[/url] (a 4X Strategy) are also free right now on Steam. And [url=]Indigo Park: Chapter 1[/url] (Indie horror) was released on Steam for free. So I suddenly have more things to play. (Time will tell if I actually like any of them. But Steam games have a better track record of enjoyment, compared to games that I've tried.) [hr] [i]But because I spilled shit all over my keyboard and had it non-functional for weeks.[/i] I haven't been on my PC/Steam much. So I played a few games on my PS5 instead. Animal Well: [s]Unlike Rain World & Outer Wilds, this game's controls were made by someone who actually plays video games.[/s] More challenging than I originally thought it was going to be. But it's a genuinely good game that ends well. And it still had plenty of optional content/secrets to find. (With "boss fights" being it's weakest and most frustrating element.) Not quite the masterpiece "Tunic" is, but few things are. And it's probably the strongest of the three games I'm 'reviewing'. Worldless: This one hurts a bit, because the "mid-game" is downright impressive. It has a dual character movement/combat system that forces you to switch them on the fly & it's turn-based combat system is quite a challenge. Plus, like Animal Well, it's very nice to look at in places. But this games' challenge through obscurity/trial-and-error never really "clicked" with me. (As the necessary parry mechanic/certain movement abilities felt way too inconsistent for how precise you needed to be.) [b][i]And unfortunately, it's ending is downright terrible.[/i][/b] (Whoever thought it was a good idea to end your game on a "supposed to lose" boss fight is beyond me.) Chants Of Sennaar: Another good puzzle game that I enjoyed for the most part. It's obviously rushed final level aside. Especially how it's good ending/optional content directly changes old parts of the world to make you feel like you're improving it. (But it was clearly made for PC's/mouse movement. Because doing the optional content/it's numerous "stealth" sections on a controller were a tedious endeavor.)