[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Gajah Mada watched her master fiddling with the device he used to watch surveillance footage curiously. The Grail granted her knowledge of modern times, but the fine details of how to utilise it were beyond her. Still, it was not in her nature to simply stand still while there was work to be done, and she had started to feel uneasy. Were her master to look her way, he would notice the Saber-class servant fidgeting in her seat. Any more and she would probably disturb her master's work. So Gajah Mada made the decision to stand up and look for something else to work on instead. [color=39b54a]"Master, later once we have time, would you teach me how to operate this contraption you are using? It does not sit right for me to have you do all the surveillance. For now, though..."[/color] She looked around the Church, looking for something she could do. Eventually, though relatively well-kept, she could see specks of specks of dust here and there. Nodding, she continued, [color=39b54a]"For now, I shall make myself useful around our base and clean it up a bit! Please tell me where you are keeping the cleaning supplies."[/color] The excitement in her face would be out of place given the context of such a powerful familiar looking forward to something as mundane as housekeeping, but that was just the sort of person Gajah Mada was. The one who detested sitting down doing nothing and would much rather get some work done, no matter how seemingly inconsequential they were. It was no wonder, perhaps, that since she kept taking on more and more responsibilities, once she was dismissed from her post, they had to find five people to do the same amount of work she did. Once Lorenzo gave her the directions to where the cleaning supplies were located. Gajah Mada put on a cleaning apron before taking out a broom and a dustpan, along with a feather duster, as she started to clean around the Church. She might be the granddaughter of a king, but there was a time when she lived among commoners after the Singhasari Kingdom fell and before her uncle, Raden Wijaya, established Majapahit. So she was not helpless on housework, rather, she was actually quite good at it, though given how workaholic she was, it was perhaps to be expected from the sheer repetition of doing menial housework just because she wanted to do something. As she was cleaning a particular spot in the church, however, a sense of unease filled her. It was a familiar sensation that she had felt throughout her campaign. The feeling of unease she would get if they were about to be ambushed or if her adversary was about to make their move. It was an ability that arose from her enlightenment of Moksha. Though not to the level of the great monks who would break free from samsara themselves, Gajah Mada was able to peer through the facade into the true nature of things. In this case, the facade that though they were seemingly safe and alone in their base, someone was scheming against them. Still, it would be to their advantage if whoever was scheming against them did not realize that Gajah Mada had taken notice of them. So, Gajah Mada continued to clean nonchalantly, all the while looking for the source of her unease. Eventually, she traced the source to a small spider in the corner of the room. [i][color=39b54a]"Familiar?"[/color][/i] she thought. It seemed to be a normal spider, but perhaps that was exactly what they were counting on. For the familiar to be inconspicuous enough that she and her master would not notice. Luckily for her, she WAS cleaning, so disposing a spider would only be natural and would not be out of place. Gajah Mada then walked over to the spider, hit it with her feather duster, and swept it into her dustpan before disposing it with the rest of the trash. [color=39b54a]"So it begun.."[/color] Gajah Mada remarked. Gajah Mada put down her cleaning equipment before heading back to where her master was. [color=39b54a]"Prepare yourself, Master. It appeared that someone was watching this Church using a spider familiar. I shall do the same,"[/color] She then declared, [color=39b54a]"Here and now, I declare. As it once was that I have sworn an oath before the gods and my liege...So shall now, I swear to fight as your servant to claim the Holy Grail."[/color] As she said it, she felt a renewed sense of fortitude and blessings of the gods. The iron will and divine providence for her to relentlessly fight for the holy grail. In life, it was the gods' blessings and her will to not go back on her words that drove Gajah Mada to fulfil her oath. As a Heroic Spirit, this aspect of her legends manifested as the skill, Sacred Oath. [@Letter Bee][@Digmata][@Double D]