Hello again. This is a smaller update coming at you sooner because I wanted to throw some ideas around for implementing individual character inventories. To sum up, as I have it now, every player character will be able to carry a limited number of items wherever they go (I currently got it as 5 unstackable slots for simplicity's sake), along with an additional slot specifically for equipment (your gameplay-functional garments or accessories). Clothing items worn purely for show will likely be covered in the "appearance" part of the CS and perhaps there'll also be a count for the money PCs carry with them. I'm leaning towards the floor being open for players to propose their own ideas for new equipment and items, even for their pokémon at the start of the story, though they will have to be treated and balanced accordingly. For instance, there can certainly be equipment like bags and such that could give you more item slots, but any of them accessible at the start will only get you 1 additional slot. Now then, true to my word, I wanted to give some novice sprite work a try for a class of item that doesn't exist for the PMD games already, in this case: weapons. I hold no delusions of the quality, but even this piece [url=https://i.ibb.co/3pBmFxj/Weapon.png][img]https://i.ibb.co/3pBmFxj/Weapon.png[/img][/url], such as it is, feels like beginner's luck. I don't think I can justify branching off into different types of weapon sprites like spears and so on, but a real artist is more than welcome to try. No, at best I might just pass off some recolors to represent different grades/varieties of weapons. Now and again I'll try at more sprites for things, but for now, I'm happy to say that I won't be relying on emojis just yet. Thanks for catching up on this vanity project of mine and I'll see you next time.