[b]The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 6:15 UTC+8[/b] Trailing behind the Philippine ambassador is Task Force Obsidian, well, some of it anyway, as they walked into the conference room it was inevitable they would notice the absence of some newly arrived members. This, however, is not true for Nil. Since the Zodiacs (and Yulian with them) left the scene, and while meeting the local military security leader, Nil was not very attentive, all she had gathered so far on their adversaries was, [i]Chinese speaking person somewhere[/i], [i]Dragon is a fraud[/i] and [i]Yulian bad[/i]. At least the VIP was an interesting fellow, if only for the colorful dress she dons. Among the other ambassadors? Face not recognised, face not recognised, face definitely no recognised, [i]oh[/i]. Nil waved towards the Thai delegation with her whole arm in a wide arc, in a very obvious manner. While waving Nil realized that she didn’t actually recognise any one person’s name, but just a face she had seen at some point in the past.