[center][h2]Intan "Bomoh" Araki[/h2][/center] Trust is a big thing in being a Shadowrunner, and while Bomoh knows none of these people. He is getting good vibes from them and it seems that some of them know each other, which is a good sign that working together will not be a problem or at least for right now. " It is nice to see us getting along, and nothing like one job I had where it was... well, I'd rather not talk about that one. Still, nice to have a team that clicks," showing a soft smile. Bomoh hopes things will be fine, but he knows things can change fast for the worse and he feels like this job may take a while. [hr] The Mr.Johnson seeing how there are no more questions, spoke up. "As there are no more questions, we should be arriving at the Lisbon Portela Airport in an hour, and once we land, there is one last thing I need to say." Mr.Johnson sent one last bit of data to everyone's commlinks, with a name and a picture of their appearance. "This is Chercheur, a last-minute hire. He is a human mage, and he is waiting for you at the airport near the exit you all will be sent to and after you meet him. I suggest heading to the São Domingos de Benfica district first and tracking down the girl. The client is paying you well for this, and once again, try not to harm the girl, and everyone will be happy." Finishing it with an odd half smile and he went back to his seat near the cockpit. [hr] [center][h2]An Hour Later Lisbon Portela Airport[/h2][/center] The plane would land at the busy airport and stop near one of the terminals with the sun still up in the sky. Now, the disembarking shadowrunners will be headed by a bus to the airport's backdoor, sort of speak, a place well out of sight for and perfect for shadowrunners. An entrance in the northern part of the airport which drops them off at the local street in a less crowded area near the airport. While the luxury of the jet was welcoming, this would change once entering the bus for its genericness. For despite the efforts of the corporation that runs the airport, Lisbon Portela Airport has lost what luxurious nature it has in the past. Still, it is a safe place and not as bad as other major airports in Europe. Waiting for them near the backdoor would be their last team member, Chercheur. A human mage and, from there, the rest of the city is open to them and where their target was last seen in. The time is only an hour past noon, so there is plenty of daylight left in the day to begin their investigation. Still, once they have picked up Chercheur, the mission will start, and their tracking of Abigail Tower will begin. But, what they do to achieve this is solely on them.