Hach diplomacy "Your level has been exceeded, young one, therefore my statement is accurate and correct. And you rely on religion, Religion is but the first step on the logical path, the races of this universe do not move on from it, for reasons shrouded to us. Our knowledge is a secret we do not impart, for it usually has disastrous results, especially in the hands of religious ones. Learn what you will from Human nd Equestrian schools, if they wish to run the risks they may do so. We learn from our mistakes and adapt. We do not share our technology to avoid harming those we give it to, we destroyed the concept of money and wealth for it was incompatible with the greater good, and our children are the pillars upon which whole worlds have been built." The Outsider said, glancing to one of the Elite Synth Soldiers who gave him a small device. The Outsider activated it and a hologram came out from it, filling the area around it "Behold, a reconstruction of the events the last time we gave technology to a less advanced species" He says, as the hologram plays a reproduction. A Triarian Space ship lands on a planet, and the indigenous sentients come to regard it. Their tech is somewhat medieval and they lack any advanced technology. "The primitives were faced with a plague that was killing them off. Feeling for them, the Triarii aboard helped them" The hologram shows the two Triarii from the small craft healing the people of the planet "They gave them technology, the good and the bad..m one day there was an accident" The image shows one of the Primitives set off a plasma weapon by accident and kill one of the Triarii "The second fled the scene out of fear as the primitives panicked. When it settled they erupted into war, and by the end had forgotten where they had gotten the weapons. The technology was treated like a gift from the gods." The hologram continued to play as the primitives built a shrine to their gods weapons, and sacrificed their own among an altar "They did horrible acts and terrible rituals to 'power the gods tools with souls'" The hologram shows the stars far above, and a small Triarian battle group flies into the system "In these old times travel was slow, and it took forever before, a group of ships came upon the system and found the disgusting deeds." The hologram shows a curb stomp battle between Triarian Forces and the primitives"They seized the technology and rescued the stranded Triarii. After this event, a law was passed forbidding the sharing of any technology without Primicerii consent. It remains to this day to avoid any such incident"