[b]Allimone, ODS Gestopo[/b] "Alright then" was all he said. He wrote something down on a device and continued on with the conversation. "How bout we discuss trade, then. We would like to purchase basic foods and supplies, and are willing to sell raw power and certain metals for it. The trade path would carve through our outer colonies, it's up to you where you would like a trade path for your species". [b]Unknown Destination[/b] "This is the second time in two meetings that they have remarked religion. They make it out as if we are a genocidal, monsterous, illogical species". "Possibly.. they may have had to deal with religion before." "Religion should not be faced with wanting to kill others. Everything has a special form of creation." "And other religions believe theirs is divine." "Perhaps we should inform them of what we believe in?" "Perhaps they wont listen. I doubt they would very much care". "*sigh* then what do you suggest we do?" "We can't do anything about it" "They just insulted the Haches!" "And they are an intelligent species, they have reasons". "They will never understand the religion if they don't know what it's about" "And we shouldn't care if they understand, we don't want to force religion down their throats, we've discussed this. They have their own forms of creation." "So we shall forever be insulted?" "Perhaps..."