The maiden, about to slit her slimy snotty companion's throat as his lover grasped his buttocks, was belayed by the appearance of a dark, foul-smelling mage. He smelled of rotten saltpeter, burnt and melted metal, and filthy but alluring aura rolled off him of dark magic and murder. Her heightened senses caused her, like her disturbing companions, to become visibly aroused. The man made his bold, powerful testosterone-filled introduction, she retracted her talons and gazed at him in awe. His vile scent repulsed her, but his wand drew her in. The magic...the magic... She found herself pushed once again behind the disgusting slimy creature, pressed against his arcane manhood. Despite Fabio's shielding them, the magic filtered over his shoulders and slapped her in the face. Jumping under the water, she knocked her first companions under the waves, and went to save the now-dead plants. Traversing back into the manapool, she walked to the mage, completely aroused, the dead plants caressing her, she sang to them and dropped them in the water, causing them to grow back. The now vicious carnivorus plants continued to stroke the maiden, reaching through the water to the mage. His vile scent did not bother them while she sang. After gulping bubbles, the plants began to clean the vileness from the mage, preparing him for the maid. She would love him, and then kill him.