Name: Kylie Ross Age: 11 Appearance: [img=] Starting equipment: A wooden baseball bat, and a [url=]backpack[/url] containing a package of instant noodles. Bio: Kylie was the second of two children. Her sister Jean, elder by four years, was her best friend and closest confidant. The two were partners in crime, living in the city. Their father was a doctor, their mother a security officer. Until the city fell, the two girls didn't realize how dangerous those jobs could be. When the outbreak reached Icarus City, their father was one of the first to become infected. Their mother fell victim shortly after, and the two girls were forced to flee their home. For a few weeks, they survived on the streets of the ruined city. Jean did all she could to keep her younger sister safe. The girls stocked up on food, and armed themselves with baseball bats. They had no allies, but were working to gain some. In fact, it was right after the two girls met a small group of very capable raiders that the attack happened. The attack where Kylie lost her older sister. The two girls were talking with the raiders, a group of three in total, in an abandoned auto garage. Without warning, the door was broken down, and a horde of undead stormed in. It was chaos. Two of the raiders fell within the first ten seconds. The third ran, leading Kylie and Jean to the exit, but was also mauled before he could escape. Kylie has no idea when Jean disappeared. She remembered her older sister running right behind her as they left the building. But several blocks down the street, when Kylie finally stopped to catch her breath, Jean was no longer at her side. Now, Kylie wanders the city, trying to find her sister, but also seeking out a safe haven for herself.