A sprawling mass of black entities, shades of something awful, blotted ink and fowl aromas overflowed the burning incense of the mana pool. It was not long before the entirety of the mana pool had been overcome, pun intended, with a sticky, black, mucous-like substance. "Ohhhhh..." Came the grisly groan from the central mass of the entity. In several moments the hot steam melted away the thick, black substance coaxing the pool and it's inhabitants, and the entity had revealed itself. A sprawling mass of tentacles and eyeballs, seemingly floating midair. It was the time of the season alright. Curdling with chills and goosebumps, the mass scanned for a proper, delicious partner of which to whisper sweet nothings in their ear. It unleashed a slimy, limp appendage from its contracting anus muscles of which the coaxing black substance consistently oozed. Suddenly, something caught it's brown eyes, and several other pupils... "My, how..." The mass shivered erratically as it's hellishly deep voice could barely find the words. "If Cockthulu doesn't acquire a taste of this gangly, viridescent lovely than I shall consume you both with the entirety of my appendage. Ohhhhh..." Just the thought caused more of the black slime to eject from it's anus, absolutely engulfing any poor individual behind him.