Smiling happily as his favorite servant enters with his after meeting tea Alexi stretches once, his whole body tensing for a moment. With a sigh he relaxes, a hand drifting out to scoop up the fragrant cup of liquid. [i]'Once the new one arrives, Joseph may get bumped down to second place, but I'm sure he won't mind. Not that he really seems to mind anything. He's like a dad who never seems to disapprove of his son, or at least never shows it'[/i] Even after the other male addresses him the lord of the estate continues to simply stare at him lost in thought. [i]'It had been a while since any of the servants needed breaking. And this will be only the second I have broken myself, and only the third vampire to serve this family. I wasn't around for the other two. I wonder if Joseph will be willing to help out in his limited capacity'[/i] Alexi gives the old vampire a fond smile, motioning his gaze upwards so he can see it. Even with his ingrained subservient attitude, a direct command could not be ignored by the well broken elder. “Thank you Joseph. That will be all for my needs at the moment.” He pauses, batting a few things around in his head before adding on, “However I will need you to make some arrangements for me.” He takes a long sip of tea, shifting into a sitting position as he does so. Setting the cup down he rises and walks over to the fireplace which a young female servant had just stoked. Standing to the side of the actual mouth of the brick fireplace he leans back against the mantle and glances over at Joseph with a focused look on his face. The servants know better than to leave when being addressed until they are dismissed formally. When at last he gets the list sorted out his face breaks into a smile once again, this one purely from the delightful feeling he gets when thinking about his soon-to-be newest acquisition. With a faint hum he runs his hand over the back of his neck before bringing it down to tug on his bangs. “I need a bed from one of the guest rooms to be brought into my bedroom and placed near one of the studier walls near a support beam. After that I need the breaking chains, the strongest ones we have, to be mounted in the support beam. They should be long enough for one to walk to the end of the bed and no further, and rigged so they can be shortened easily.” As he talks, his giddiness comes through in his voice. “Make sure our stock of blood is fresh, and I need you to hunt down that potion used for hard breaking that was used on you all those years ago.” He pauses for a moment, his smile fading into a rather fond soft look at the older male before, he turns to look towards the covered windows. “I'm getting a new slave soon. A completely wild vampire and I will need every advantage in breaking this one. He will be the greatest challenge this house has ever seen. Perhaps the greatest challenge in the history of non-human slavery. . .”A chill runs up his spine and his face lights up with the thought of the difficulties ahead. “This will be. . . Amazing. . .” In a distant voice he adds, “Make sure this is all done properly, and before the sun rises tomorrow. Use as many as you need, and do not forget that if there are any mistakes it may mean my life.” With that he waves his hand in dismissal and turns to face the fire. “Dismissed.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mois watches from the safety of an abandoned truck bed as the rebels matriculate around the building in the shadows. His own men wait several meters further back beneath scent dispelling cloth used fro such undercover situations. One such cloth stretches over the truck bed like a waterproof covering so it blends in perfectly in the darkness. From beneath it Mois stares at his little display screen attaches to a small snake camera peeking out from beneath the covering. He rotates it slowly until he spots his target. True guerrilla fashion he isn't really distinguishable from the other rebels, however frequent glances in his direction is enough to convince the man that he's the one he's after. [i]'It's almost time'[/i] As if on cue his scope catches a new kind of movement and he zooms in on a group of people entering the building. The people are actually decoys, meant to look and act like the slavers so that the rebels would not get suspicious. They are obviously talking rather loud, pretending to be oblivious to the non-humans surrounding the building in the dark. Since new slaves and be dangerous the weaponry strapped to their sides doesn't look at all out of place and Mois nods almost proudly at their passable acting skills. They enter through a small side door and as soon as the light pouring out from inside vanishes from sight Mois watches the rebels begin taking action. As soon as he deems it safe enough he climbs silently out of the truck and begins stalking silently after them at a safe distance. [i]'Once the bullets start flying I should be in position to take down the leader. Once good thing about growing up being raised by a vampire, it's become almost second nature when it comes to avoiding detection by one'[/i]