The date is 3/242300, the time is 8:00 AM Nobody knows where the plague came from. It's some sort of nano-technology of highly unusual design. 150 years ago, it began to turn the masses into undead hordes. Some places fell almost immediately. Some took over a century to fall. This is Icarus City, Texas. It fell just 2 years ago. It's now a rusting jungle of twisted steel and concrete. Many people have turned to looting and crime in order to get what they want. It's a white line nightmare. However, some manage to eek out a semi-honest living in encampments in the city. Lewis was inspecting the fence. A section of the wooden fence had finally given way. Previously, it had kept the shamblers out, but today one of the zombies had managed to bust it down. He sighed. Time management was very important now a days. He found that there simply wasn't enough time to get food, get water, repair reinforcements and find ammo. And if he didn't do all of those things, he'd be royally screwed. Still, he had to stay here. There was still food and water here, and he simply did not have the ability to carry it all with him. He needed a home base. Besides, you do not want to be outdoors at night.