The girl nodded acknowledgement for Sharee's response before looking to Kayal for his answer. Realising that Kayal was probably waiting on her own answer before he made his introduction she cocked here head to the side and began to think. She furrowed her eyebrows. It shouldn't be this hard surely? Everyone had a name and somewhere the came from. She should remember where she came from and how she got here. Getting here must have been at least fairly recent so forgetting it was inexcusable. She leant forwards and began to massage her temples as she searched her memories repeatedly but came up blank each time. She growled at herself in frustration then the emotion suddenly switched from anger to fear once more as she realised she had no recollection of the past back beyond that marsh and that horrible, horrible chase. She didn't know who she was. The girl looked down to her hands examining both the backs of them and the palms as though they might hold the answer before slowly and reluctantly looking up to the two people looking down at her. Her eyes flicked between them making nervous and brief eye contact with each before she opened her mouth to speak. The first time she rapidly closed her mouth again, not wanting to voice what she already knew as though that would make it real. The second time however she spoke. With a wobble in her voice she said "I don't know." and mentally begged them to believe her.