[b]Aggressive Triarian Contact[/b] The corvettes cloaked, but one of them still received a heavy amount of the plasma weaponry, causing it to almost completely melt. The others raised their shields and sped away to join the fleet. The [i]Adamant Gale[/i] and several of the Darbor-Class frigates fired their ARCs at the ships, piercing them at high speeds and exploding in brilliant fireballs--sending powerful shockwaves; streams of fire, and clouds of radioactive dust in all directions. The three Trikolos in the fleet jetted forward and unleashed barrages of nearly a hundred magnetic shells, impacting several of the enemy ships. Specially designed shield-ships, known as the A-Class, moved in front of the fleet. Strong projectors from A001-A-030 projected massive plates of energy, which were able to deflect a majority of the plasma, but still some to get through. An unmanned Manumar-Class frigate sped forward, loaded down with enough explosives to destroy a large space station, and nearly entered warp while on course to the Triarian fleet advancing forward.