Assallya nodded. Traven's attentions were appreciated. She too had a supply of poultices amongst her possessions. One of the advantages to living in a wagon. She possessed a surprising amount of odds and ends which adventurers found useful. Most adventurers scorned her vardo wagon when they first encountered it, Then she pulled out her pots, pans, spices and started cooking. Adventurers that travelled with her did not suffer hard tack and smoked jerky and if one of them were skilled in acquiring game then so much the better. "Thank you noble Traben," Assallya assured him, despite him seemingly having his hand pressed up so hard against her back she would likely see it's silhouette. Pressing her own hand against her sternum she nestled into him, placing her shoulder beneath his. She could use someone like Traben to fetch and watch over her while she convalesced, even if that was only about a day or so- and then she saw him. Distantly, she spied Kane, the armoured cavalier and his near spotless armour. How could the silver steel reflect the sun's rays so radiantly after engaging in battle. Already she found herself imagining the man that lay beneath the shell, urging him silently with her eyes to remove his helm. "Yes... " Then she remembered to grunt in pain so that Traben wouldn't notice the sentence trailing off. "This Inn does sound good," she repeated the lady sorceress, while double checking Traven's gaze before looking at the mounted knight again, She had to be careful. He could be a half orc under there for all she knew. "It does sound good."