[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/L3IcBDE.png[/img] [b]Ashling Byrne Female 25[/b][/center] [b]Day Job:[/b] [i]Barnes & Noble at Country Club Plaza[/i] [b]Bio:[/b] Aishling found herself - at a terribly young age - treating the sprawling grid of streets in Brooklyn as her own backyard. Her family had owned the building for generations, an anonymous 'row-house' in Sunset Park that fell back into the blur of equally similar apartments. She attempted to avoid the adult world that so many Byrne children too quickly found themselves thrust into, but was destined for it. It was the family business and they were expected to keep it going strong well after Mom and Pop were laid to rest. Ash would tell you she had a fairly sufficient childhood. She still daydreams to memories of feasting royally at Rico's taquería with the girls after school, when the days were longer; that was before she turned sixteen, and before it was realized Ash was already prepared to learn from [i]the best[/i]. The Byrne's were known notoriously within their circles as the impassioned, volatile, and 'ride-or-die' mantra toting family. Short fused, ready to fight, and quick to protect the ones they love. Ashling inherited degrees of her family's weaknesses in emotion but for the most part found better control of it than her siblings did. They followed a loose set of moral codes devised by the boozing patriarch John, but if you talked to anyone who knew the family they'd tell you Deirdre was the brains. Now from their perspective they weren't necessarily wrong, but she didn't hear about everything they did. He kept the darker bits of his work out from under her nose and let her share in that illusion before the bladder cancer took her away. They were excellent at what they did, hell, they had to be. There were just some details they had to keep from her, things that would have destroyed her. When Ash graduated from Sunset Park High she was enrolled in NYU by her father, and in turn peddled designer drugs to the rich and unsupervised. It turned out to be a very fruitful business for the both of them, and the more Ashling impressed her father, the more power she found herself surrounded by. At 21 she was a "college-gal" no more. After a botched job the family closed down shop, stripped the row-house clean and attempted for a clean break. Some made it out of New York successfully and others were snatched up by the boys in blue, sure to let them know they'd refuse to help in the investigation even if they had known where "those bastards" fled to. The incarcerated Byrne children were damn full of piss and vinegar, and even marginally resentful to the ones lucky enough to get away, but in NO universe would they ever rat out family. [center][i]"That's some inhumane shit, bud, even if I did know I wouldn't fahkin tell you"[/i][/center] Ashling fled to Kansas City and moved into Quality Hill Towers on Jefferson. She locked down a job at Barnes & Noble, and quickly pushed herself into the social circles of the surrounding universities by posing as a student on campus long enough to make some connections. Once she had a solid friend base she "dropped out," picking up a few more hours at the book store and dedicating her remaining hours to becoming a player in Kansas City's drug scene, gravitating to the varying things college kids are looking for: ganja, E, and blow. Ash linked up with a dealer in her building and together with his supply and her networking they hope to run a size-able portion of the campus drug scene.