[b]Statistics Center, Makudan Homeworld, Unknown, Classified Coordinates[/b] "Seven-twenty thousand and still counting. Doesn't fail to impress me about how fast we're expanding. And those scrap technology of that multigalactic empire, simply astounding to have got them. Looks as if they were fresh out of extinction." Odometus glanced at the many screens, some of which were overlapping each other. His forefinger rubbed against his chin, gazing at the numbers and charts. "Now, now, Odometus. We've still got a long way to go before we go on freely rampaging around the cosmos. Eh, maybe it's boring if we're the only ones here. Maybe spare some?" "Now that i think of it, Kotonus, can we try to get even just a bit of attention from the Odenders?" "For the sake of protocol, i obje- oh, hell. Others agree. Fine, order the spy fleets to fire some weak shot." [b]Odendus Sector 5b[/b] As the fleets stay organized and uncovered within distance of a star system, which appeared to be holding a multiracial meeting, they receive the order. One of the ships thrusted forward for a short distance, before firing a bright ball of light that apparently isn't aimed at whatever object.