[quote=mdk] Where it fails is 'at the woman's expense,' in that it implies this is a pure negative for the mother (most mothers tend to disagree). I would argue it's a symbiotic relationship. This allows for some 'parasitic' traits, but as a more general (and significantly less loaded) term, also acknowledges the positive aspects of the relationship.Neither is technically correct, because all forms of symbiont (including parasites) are required to be of another species from the host; biologically speaking this is natural reproductive process, which cannot be categorized in either sense we're talking about. But, hey, language is cooler than science, so eff it. [/quote] Feelings =/= Technicality. There are no medical benefits to having a baby developing in the womb. It consumes resources, makes the host more vulnerable to diseases, and can potentially result in the death of the host upon its escape. An example of a symbiotic relationship is nurse sharks cleaning other fish. Nurse sharks remove parasites in exchange for amnesty from larger predators. A baby doesn't give any construable positive benefits to its mother aside from emotional ones, which can vary from person to person, ergo nonscientific, and not technical. I'm pro-choice because after a woman has been given all possible options and is informed of the consequences of each decision she advocates to be allowed to abort a baby, she should be allowed. After all, as I recall, you don't believe in welfare states--yet tens of thousands of impoverished people would starve to death without them. There are people who live or die off the taxes you make on your paycheck, and in a construable sense of the word, you wish to abort fully developed adults who are incapable of standing on their own financially, but you are against a woman having the right to [i]choose[/i] to abort a parasitic entity in a world where we have so many orphan children or single parent children that we are actually in a crisis concerning what to do with them... In the first world. Don't even get me started on the third world. A christian woman can choose not to have an abortion. A non-christian woman shouldn't be forced down the same path because of some republican rhetoric that states that babies are special and adults are cannon fodder.