Max crept through the house, flashlight darting back and forth along the walls. He had learned the hard way to always check every corner of a house for Zed before you searched it. He heard a sound in the distance, a high pitched call. Perhaps a name of somebody - living or dead, Max didn't know. What he did know was it was never a good idea to just call out like that. The city might've looked dead but it was very much alive. Whoever did that shout was just asking for trouble. Max figured after he was finished up here, he would head in that direction and see if he could figure out what was going on over there. Whatever, the house was clear and Max started searching for supplies. The door to this building was locked tight, always a good sign when you're looting. His haul consisted of several tin cans and a single battery. Not exactly the jackpot, but it was better than coming up empty handed. Max shut the door behind him, hoisted his axe over his shoulder, and walked quietly down the street, curious about who was calling attention to themselves, blissfully unaware that he had just robbed somebody blind.