[b]Message to Orc Fleet[/b] "President Dmitri Saveli will meet you at the location marked on the starmap being transmitted along with this message. He has been alerted of your planned arrival and should be ready for you by the time you reach his position, as long as he doesn't collide with any planetary debris on his way." [b]Draconian Front 25, 56th EA Patrol Fleet[/b] While on it's way to the Draconian quantum gate to Front 14, the 56th picked up an unknown contact on the newly enhanced Draconian sensors. While small enough to be a simple anomaly, a single ship was broken off from the fleet. After all, the war is over, might as well do some exploring. What that single ship found, of course, was what seemed to be a fleet of ships scavenging. Deducing that they must know what happened, the crew decided to twist the truth a bit and present the EA as a mighty nation. Quite a big lie, as for the entire first three galaxies they just cowered behind the Triarians. To prevent an attack on their craft, a message was sent to the alien fleet along with a translation matrix. Just in case. "This is Captain Ballzédé of the Earth Alliance starship [i]Kelroil[/i]. You are within Earth Alliance space and gathering debris, as such, we assume that you are unaware of the recent war between us and the Draconian Empire, the origin of the debris to be found here. The technology in formerly Draconian space, composed of about a hundred galaxies, is normally delegated by the nations that contributed to the war. However, during first contacts it is overlooked by our nation. Though I do ask you to identify yourselves and inform us if you have had any friendly contact with the Draconians recently." [b]EA Virtual Reality Historical Records, Battle of Gliese 667 Cc[/b] As he wired into the VR system, a new spectator began to watch the VR recreation of the famous battle, known not for any major strategic gain for any of the sides that participated, but for the historical importance. The battle is considered the event that defined humanity, reshaped it many years later. Seven hundred different sides fought in the battle, every one of them for their beliefs. It was the waning days of the Common Sense War, and the fighting had gone to the extremes. It took place after the dozens of Christian factions finally united, but not by unity. No, they were united by being conquered by the one with the most savage and dangerous soldiers, it's name lost to history. This battle was where they would use their new strategy, against Gliese 667 Cc, the last planet where humans of multiple faiths lived together in peace. Why did they attack it specifically? There were Jewish inhabitants. As the spectator watched on, the hundreds of fleets were quickly decimated by the superior Christian forces, with outnumbered the others and outgunned them. As they closed in on the planet, leaving behind thousands of floating hulks in their wake, the cargo bays of the ships began to open. Out of them flew millions of nuclear missiles, which impacted the planet in short order. Due to the design of the weapons, the fireball rages on for hours, supported by a fusion reaction being fueled by vast reserves of fusion material on the fleet. When they finally ran out of fusion material, the fireball dissipated and the survivors of the fleets were met with nothing but dust. And that's why Gliese 667 Cc isn't on starmaps anymore, along with ten other planets that met the same fate before the great purge was started by Dmitri Saveli and Fergus McClain. Afterwards, the human species took the title they still believe they deserve: The Shamed Ones.