The sky outside had darkened since they first met on the stairs. The apartment was lit only be a dim light that emitted a soft yellow glow and illuminated the two women sitting on the couch. Charlie pursed her lips and glanced away from Mila as she slowly started to take off her clothing. "I-I'd love to sing for you sometime." Clearing her throat she felt an awkward rush of embarrassment heat her body. She wasn't usually like this around people, she was usually the one making the other person flush and giggle. Among the feelings of attraction were that of jealousy. Mila was incredibly beautiful the type of beautiful that Charlie wished she could be; instead of just the quirky "cute" girl that everyone just [i]loved.[/i] It was frustrating sometimes, being seen as cute or adorable instead of beautiful and sexy like every woman craved to be. She felt incredibly inaccurate as she nervously wrung her hands and sneaked small glances at Mila who was confidently changing beside her. "I guess I'm okay." She started, trying to keep her mind away from all of those confusing thoughts that sometimes surfaced themselves. "I've been singing since I was a kid, and I use to play my dad's guitar. When they noticed how well I picked up on it, my parents sent me to classes. My teacher was the one who really instilled the love of performing into me." Smiling, Charlie remembered her days at the dusty old building where her classes were held. Miss. Dyer was young and incredibly beautiful, she would sit delicately at the piano or with the guitar creating the most devine music Charlie had ever heard. As she grew older, she feel more and more in love with music and, in her graduating year, made the difficult decision to graduate in January instead of June so that she could go to the city and start her career early. That had been almost six years ago and Char still wasn't anywhere. "I guess I'm just waiting for my big break." [i]Whenever that happens.[/i] Charlie leaned back on the couch and propped her legs, darkened by the nylons, onto a clear spot on the coffee table. Her hands fumbled nervously on her lap and she tried not to watch Mila as she daintily readjusted herself, tucking her long slender legs beneath her (somewhat of a pity in Charlie's mind) and started twirling the soft pony tail of Char's head. She fought down the blush that once again threatened to darken her cheeks yet another shade of red and gave Mila an arresting smile. "Thank-you." She unconsciously chew on her lip, glancing up at Mila's striking eyes and then back down again at her own hands. She couldn't exactly feel the way that her companion played with the tips of her thin pony tail but she could sense the cool hands in close proximity to the back of her neck, sending a chilled sensation down her spine. "I don't know how far I'd go on the talent thing." Charlie's voice murmured, risking bitterness as she finally gained the courage to look up at Mila. She caught the woman's eyes and forced herself to keep it. "I just mean, sometimes it gets discouraging but that's life." Charlie unconsciously leaned towards Mila. The blush on her cheeks had settled to a slight pink tint that made her look lively as she became more comfortable in the situation. "As for the admirers? In my dreams! The only people falling head over heels for me are creepy old guys looking for a 'good time'." She rolled her eyes and laughed morosely. "I wouldn't even go there even [i]if[/i] men interested me." She flipped a small fly away from her face and addressed the next question with a growing ease for this woman. "Meh. It's okay, pays the bills more then performing does. But some people can be the biggest jerks ever but most of the time costumers are good and they tip really well." With a small exhale of breath, Charlie leaned back her head which suddenly felt thick and heavy. She wanted to stay up, to talk all night with this person who Char cold see herself considering a friend, but her body wasn't having any of it. She was so use to being in bed promptly by eleven so that she could get up to work the morning shift at the diner and then go out and play all day, so it was like she was programmed to be tired at that specific time. Glancing over at the glowing clock on the stove she noticed that it was well past midnight. Charlie suppressed a yawn, a losing battle, and looked up at Mila. "Man, If I feel this tired I can't imagine how you must feel after a day like today." She referred lightly to the crazy boyfriend drama and put a comforting hand lightly on Mila's shoulder. "We should probably get some sleep, come on I'll show you the room." She heaved herself off of the couch and helped Mila up as well. "That's the bathroom right there, that's my room at the end of the hall," she listed off the doors as they entered the mouth of the hallway, her feet dragging lazily on the floor as she pushed open a wooden door and revealed a quaint, normal bedroom. "This is the guest room. Well I guess your room now if you still want it." She quickly grabbed some spare blankets from the closet and nodded towards a slightly ajar door. "That's the bathroom right there, it's only a half bath so we have to share a shower but otherwise you have complete privacy." She set the sheets lightly on the end of the bed and looked up at Mila, a questioning look on her face. "Whatta ya think?"