Sweat beaded down her forehead and slid down the side of her freckled filled face, trailing down her neck. She was thirsty and tired. The noises would keep her up all night and if it wasn't the zombies it was the people she found lurking around. To think, times like these all people do is take and kill...well Gill couldn't blame them, hell she would have done the same thing if it wasn't for the fear of losing whatever sanity she had left. To survive you had to take care of yourself and that was something Gill lacked in that way of thinking. It might have just been the doctor in her but whenever people were hurt or needed help she would go to their aide in an instant. Sometimes in her travels that almost cost her her life. But somehow she was lucky enough to get out. Stopping she looked around, wondering if anyone was around her. She needed water, her throat was dry and each time she licked her lips she could feel how they began to chap. "Ah Jaysus, oi nade ter git sum water before oi pass oyt." she whispered to herself, wiping the sweat from her forehead. As she continued to walk she saw a man. A tall fellow with dark messy hair. She was about to call out but knew better than to do that, especially if the man was armed. Instead she followed. He had to be going to shelter, and shelter meant food and water. There she could strike a deal, who didn't like doctors right?