Mileficent watched as the kid slowly climbed down the pile, flinching a bit when she saw her slip a few times. "I'm looking for my sister." Mileficent let out a silent sigh once she heard the kid say that she was looking for a sibling, it was tragic when a kid still had faith when the evidence clearly points out that the sibling is dead. She watched as the kid's confidence suddenly faltered once she got a look at what she looked like, but Mileficent was used to this reaction. Being a criminal and not exactly normal looking. "Um. She's a few years older than me. And her name's Jean. She's got a blue t-shirt and a black backpack. Not like mine. Hers is a real backpack." Mileficent glanced at the kid's backpack when she dropped it onto the ground. It was small, and it didn't look like it had much in it. [I]'Poor child...'[/I] She thought as she looked back at the kid. "Well I haven't seen her so far. The only people I've seen have been bandits and such." Mileficent said and crossed her arms, thinking to herself. This was a kid with [I]nothing[/I]. No one to protect her, nothing to really defend herself with other than a bat that would probably break sooner or later, and she was an easy target due to the fact that she was shouting all the time. Sure, Mileficent was a criminal with no real respect for mankind, but she still had a protectiveness over kids. Mileficent sighed, "Look kid, I can help you find your sister. You need someone to protect you and yes, I can see that you have a bat, but still." She paused for a second. "Oh and you have to [I]STOP[/I] shouting for her. It attracts things you [I]don't[/I] want to see. We can find her while still being quiet, okay?"