[b]Expansion[/b] With the Triarian expansion program, the EA has decided to essentially copy their program with EA technology. They have begun launching warp missiles filled with nanobots at planets to lay claim to them, increasing the speed at which planets are taken over. The EA continues to race towards Front 01 in search of better technology, their goal being the dark matter technology seen in draconian ships. If they can get it, then it would make the production of energy much easier, thus allowing increased negative energy production. [b]Orc Diplomacy[/b] Dmitri Saveli rushed to the hangar of the huge Abh-designed station, which, in Abh style (a part of the quickly-developed culture) was painted entirely green. The hangar comms officer nodded to him, confirming that the Orc fleet was in-system. He ordered a message to be transmitted. "This is President Dmitri Saveli of the Earth Alliance and spokesman for the Inferior Ones. There is an Abh spokeswoman here for the contact as well, along with a Dolphin spokesman. It is an honor to meet with your people, the origin of this transmission is the hangar of the diplomatic station Kiktahkhe. If you wish for a face-to-face meeting, then head for the hangar. The doors will automatically open." [b]Hach Diplomacy[/b] "Ah, we are more than capable of trading food! Our farms provide far more food than we actually need, and what would it say about us if we refused to share? As for what we want in return, a few samples to that metal would be quite nice, but if it is not possible then we want nothing more than the knowledge that we helped."