[b]Shannon - Railroad Tracks - Daniel[/b] Shannon dutifully followed Daniel out of the truck, but only walked with him halfway toward the tracks. She stood watching him, her hands nervously touching at her hair and her eyes looking around for signs of movement. It was rather dark out now and probably very late at night by Shannon's estimation. No sane person would still be hanging out here with monsters lurking about. Shouting brought Shannon's attention back to Daniel, who was calling out for his sister. He started scanning the ground, looking around the dead walkers. Daniel seemed to know what he was doing, though Shannon couldn't even begin to guess what he was seeing. His movements were erratic, marked with an obvious air of desperation. Shannon was about to call out to him, but her voice caught in her throat. She was just too cold, tired, and admittedly scared. "Daniel," she said softly, walking up to him. She almost placed a hand on his shoulder, but instead shoved it into her pocket. "What are you looking at?"