[b]Shannon - Railroad Tracks - Daniel & Aleck[/b] Shannon didn't respond right away, letting Daniel talk at length. He frantically hopped around the railroad, pointing out the tracks on the ground. She took his word on the tracks; Shannon certainly had no kind of tracking experience. She could barely recall camping once in her entire life. "I'm sorry," she said when he was finished. She was sorry about a great many things, but for having fired at his sister most of all. If the girl had been anything like her brother, Shannon knew she had made a grave mistake. "You aren't thinking of trying to find her tonight, are you?" She crossed her arms in an attempt at coming off more strongly. "We should go back for now and continue the search in the morning." Her limbs felt like wet noodles and she could barely keep her eyes open, but that wasn't the only reason why Shannon was proposing waiting until the morning. She didn't care how good Daniel was, now wasn't that the time to be tracking anyone down. Not nowadays, with monsters about. The approach of someone from the darkness caused Shannon to take a step forward. One hand went backwards, grabbing the gun stuffed into her pants, the other reaching out for Daniel's arm. A moment passed before Shannon realized her dumb instinctual move. She removed her hand and grasped her gun in both hands, aiming it at the ground. The unknown man asked about Emma, and Shannon realized his voice sounded familiar. She found herself growing uneasy, and so Shannon waited for Daniel to speak for the both of them.