[b]Foreign Database Greater Archives[/b] [i]"My lords, data from the diplomatic archives of the Zoradean slaves before they have seceded have shown that they had diplomatic relations with the Odenders that the spy fleets have made espionage with recently. In addition to these, the Odenders, under the national name of 'Earth Alliance', may have sent computer-automatic diplomatic distress signals to the Slaves, which also gave a mention of the fallen Draconians through which our engineers are working on copies of their technologies. This implies some connection to the Odender races and us, through the Slaves."[/i] [i]"Response to findings: The Council has unanimously agreed on continuing contact with said Earth Alliance."[/i] [b]EA Star System, Unknown Coordinates[/b] 5 Exem Heavy Battleships, 5 Conus Light Battleships, 7 Edrin Light Cruisers and 50 Dakuu Stealthships surface out of wormhole travel towards random locations surrounding the entire star system. Once there, the spacecraft starts to send the following message, deliberately untranslated. [i]Denus obo nori koi? Meius kadii vokuu remesidunis alteneva ir ne koji. Jonzu zoron nedicus et Zoradeus, kedemiel.[/i] In addition, multiple security systems protecting EA databases has been hacked, decrypting all the security features, from the encryptions that protect another set of encryptions, so on and so forth, down until the last set, until the data is fully accessible. These data has been stolen, giving the Makudan more information on recent events.