Elizabeth wakes up in a room, and the first thing she notices is that she can't remember how long she's been here, nor where here is. Just in time, one of the creatures that captured her enters the room. Now she remembers being in a weird tube full of a substance, and anger... so much anger... She lets out a growl as her hands and feet turn into paws and her face stretches forward into a muzzle. Its so painful and she wants to cry out but her anger is all consuming and she falls forward onto her paws. Even though only seconds have passed during which the Vitus was watching in amazement, it felt like minutes for Elizabeth of having every bone in her body broken and remolded. When she noticed the pain receded, the Vitus was approaching, and she snarled and growled again, warning it to stay back, but it kept approaching. She heard glass shattering nearby, and the Vitus heard it too. It turned its back and was heading toward the door when Elizabeth jumped on it and clamped down on its neck with her jaws, clawing at it with her new nails. It struggled under her grip as she clawed it and bit it again, eventually, its movements became less coordinated and it fell against the panel next to the door, unintentionally unlocking and opening it. It was a warm facility and she wanted to draw as little attention as possible. However in the room in front of her probably explained why it was so warm.There was a guy with fire on his arms, challenging the creatures, one of which she just killed, or maimed badly at least. She didn't know who was the worst threat so she focused trying to appear human again so, that Mr. Fire wouldn't see her as a threat. She hid behind a control panel and shifted back, but again it was painful.