[center]While Jecht was busy worrying about the lack of people on the streets, Trixxtal was too busy overthinking about how he should act when his brother opened the door. They had been writing each other for some time now, but they hadn't seen each other face to face since Trixxtal left France over a hundred years ago. And although his brother never seemed to resent him for leaving so abruptly, Trixxtal knew that he did. What if they got there and Alexandre slammed the door in their faces? What if he refused to let him see his son? And even worse, what if he told Jecht that Trixxtal wasn't even his real name?!!?! All these thoughts were rushing through his head as they walked, so he paid no mind to the nature around them or the emptiness of the streets. Trixxtal could even feel himself slowing down when they got closer and closer to his brother's house. When they stopped at the door, Trixxtal took a deep, relaxing breath. Okay. He could do this. He moved his hand to knock on the door, but stopped halfway, only hearing the last bit of Jecht's sentence. " Huh?" He turned to him, breaking out of his worrying thoughts and lowered his arm. " Oh, no, he and I were changed at the same time." Trixxtal lowered his gaze to the floor, the palms of his hands growing clammy. What a strange human gesture of him to do. " But when I left France, he went to go see our parents...or whatever was left of them. I think Alexandre said that our mother was still alive, but she died a couple years later. Then he left France too, met his wife, and then moved to Italy. She's is from here, so I guess that's why Protettore's name is in Italian..." He smiled to himself and looked back up at the door. He wasn't going to back down! He wanted to meet his nephew! He was just going to have to face his brother, whether he liked it or not!! With confidence flowing through his body, Trixxtal knocked on the door! And then knocked again! And again! And again? After a minute passed and a few more knocks, Trixxtal completely deflated, his shoulders drooping. " I knew it. He hates me." He whispered, his hair covering his face in the most depressing way imaginable.[/center]