So nice to come back to this and see the activity popping about. I am Slade, I'm the other GM of our second season of Essence of the World. I'm currently in the midst of writing out the OOC. Truth be told i wanted to work on in last night so in would coincide with our Interest check posted by Mikael. But alas, my internet is never too good. So it did not come to pass. I'm the creators and overall controllers of the two major factions (The Kingdom of the Gospel and Omnity). Mikael is the creator and controller of another mysterious faction called the Iotans. We have a few other factions as well in store for you. But they will be revealed in due time when we can co-ordinate everything in a fruitful manner. All our veteran players of Season one are enthusiastic about working with more players and expanding our close-knit community that is the core reason why we've been so successful in being one of the few groups to actually finish an RP. A feat not accomplished by most other RP's and is a reason of pride amongst ourselves and of course, among the original creator and former GM, Wild Wind. Who will be joining us as a player for Season 2. Now help us be even more prideful by giving us the right to say we've completed two successful RPs. Something that is never heard of. Welcome to Essence of the World II: Tears do Fall. Any question you have can be directed here until the OOC is up and running.