Name: Quiven Koren Age: [???] Appears to be 28 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance] Ignore the wings please: [img=] Hood down: [img=] [/hider] Personality: Quiet, methodical, mature. Quiven has spent a very long time alone in the world of darkness, and at time the corruption of the world of the heartless gets to him. He has a dark sense of humor, and a very no-nonsense outlook in life. If he is sad he will hide it with anger, though it's easier to irritate than to completely aggravate him. He is a calm individual that would rather be left alone to himself than to deal with childish antics. History: Growing up on the world of Onryii, a world in which the world is like a Renaissance era with futuristic types of themes and weaponry, Quiven studied under several knights to as a squire. He had just been promoted to the level of knighthood, and earned the affections of a childhood friend. He had earned the blessing to marry Levidiae, the girl whom he had always been vying for. The ceremony was planned, and life was beautiful. The day before the wedding, his world became riddled with darkness and full of creatures he could not slay despite his best efforts. They had him pinned down, these... heartless beings... and they were ready to take his heart. At the last moment, in desperation, Quiven thought of Levidiae, and grasped his heart as it hovered above his body, and forced it back within. A pool of shadow formed beneath him, and many hands reached up to claim their prize. He found himself falling into a deep abyss until at last he fell upon a pedestal of light with many different women decorating the mosaic at his feet. He used his blade to defend himself, which proved capable of harming the dark creatures. For many years, time passing normally for him when outside the time was passing at a much rapid pace, trapped in this dark world without knowing where he was, he fought back against the darkness. Eventually, he discovered the ability to open doors, random ones that he fell upon in the dark world, and enter through them into worlds completely different than is own. He always returns to the world of darkness, however, hoping to find the door back to Onryii, back to Levidiae. He doesn't understand, that he fell into this dark world a little over one thousand years ago, and that Levidiae... is long dead, as well as the world of Onryii... He has no knowledge of any keyblade or keyblade master for that matter. [In the beginning of Kingdom hearts, King Mickey explains in his letter that 'the stars are going out, one by one.' Onryii was one of these worlds, or as Mickey put it, Stars] [hider=Weapon] Weapon: [img=] "Fallen Guardian" As he calls it. This blade reflects Quivens emotional state [an effect of his 'darkened' heart and time spent in the darkness] and will do various things accordingly. Anger-All attacks are heavy hitters, but this is taxing and doesn't last long. Where the blade trails, a red shadow follows Sad-The Blade turns a shade of blue, and freezes an opponent [npcs only, one at a time.] Where the blade trails, a blue shadow follows Calm-The Blade remains neutral, and it is up to Quiven to use it skillfuly. Where the blade trails, a black shadow follows Happy-The Blade turns a shade of red and reflects an image of Levidiae beneath a tree of cherry blossoms. When he strikes, the blade drops falling cherry blossoms and can stun opponents. [Npcs only unless granted permission] [/hider] Skills: Swordsmanship, Defense, Just a little magic, and learns quickly. He is an excellent strategist... yet can't cook for the life of him. Shotlock: Magic: [taken from the kingdom hearts wiki] Dark Haze: Cloak yourself in darkness, then charge at faraway enemies. The attack has a chance of dooming them, leaving them five seconds to live. Summon: